A Guide To Claiming For Injuries Caused By Unsafe Practices In The Workplace

Updated on 14th August 2024. This guide will look at when a claim could be made for injuries resulting from unsafe practices in the workplace. Employers owe those who work for them a duty of care, which means they’re responsible for their safety.

Unsafe practices in the workplace illustrated with an overstocked forklift crashing into another worker.

This guide will explain exactly what this duty of care entails, and how a breach of this could cause an accident that results in injury. Furthermore, we will look at how settlements for work injury claims are valued and the benefits that No Win No Fee agreements can offer when working with a lawyer.

Please contact our team of advisors for an assessment of your case. If you do have a valid claim, they could connect you with a No Win No Fee lawyer from our panel to work on your case.

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What Are Unsafe Practices In The Workplace?

An employer’s duty of care towards their employees is set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. According to this act, they need to take all reasonably practicable steps to prevent accidents resulting in injuries in the workplace.

For example, they should:

  • Ensure that good housekeeping is kept. For example, cables should be tidied away and walking surfaces should be kept in good condition.
  • Provide training to employees. There are certain tasks in the workplace that can be dangerous if not performed properly. For example, if your job involves lifting and carrying, your employer should train you on proper manual handling techniques.
  • Supply personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary. For example, your employer might need to provide you with non-slip footwear, a hard hat or heatproof gloves depending on your role.

A breach in the duty of care that your employer owes you that causes you to be injured is known as negligence. You cannot claim for unsafe practices alone- in order for you to pursue compensation, you must have been injured as a result of your employer breaching the duty of care they owed you. For an assessment of your case, and to see if you could be connected with a lawyer from our panel, speak with an advisor today.

What Are Examples Of Unsafe Practices?

Below we have included some examples of unsafe working practices. Not all of these will be applicable to every workplace but they should give you an idea of what these kinds of practices could consist of:

  • You’re injured because you aren’t provided with the workplace training you need to undertake manual handling tasks safely.
  • You’re injured by defective work equipment because your employer did not act on the results of a risk assessment.
  • Because of defective stair lighting that your employer had been made aware of but had not fixed, you trip and fall down a flight of stairs.
  • You’re injured because a forklift truck was poorly loaded, meaning that the items fall off and onto you.
  • You’re made to handle hazardous substances without being provided with PPE or being made aware of the risk.

Don’t worry if you cannot see your accident type above; this isn’t an exhaustive list and you could still claim if your circumstances differ. Speak with a member of our team today for a free assessment of your case.

Potential Work-Related Injuries

Here are some injuries an employee could suffer because of unsafe practices in the workplace.

Injuries that occur in the workplace can range from relatively minor to life-changing. If you would like to see whether you could be entitled to make a claim after your employer’s negligence has caused your injuries, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. An advisor can assess your case and let you know whether you could be owed compensation.

Steps To Take If You Were Injured In The Workplace

If unsafe practices in the workplace result in you being injured, there are some steps you should take to protect your health and gather evidence of how the action or inaction of your employer caused you to be injured.

Examples of steps you can include:

  • Report the accident: every employer needs to keep a record of incidents that occur on their premises. By reporting the accident, you ensure there is a formal record of what took place and what caused the accident to occur.
  • Seek medical help: Getting your injuries seen by a trained medical professional will not only safeguard your health and wellbeing, but your medical records will be useful in showing what injuries you sustained and what treatments you received for them.
  • Acquire photographs and CCTV footage: You have the legal right to request a copy of CCTV footage you appear in. You can take photographs of the immediate scene of the accident as well as what caused it.
  • Get copies of Workplace documents: workplace records such as training documents or maintenance could show unsafe practices in your place of work.
  • Take down witness contact information: Your coworkers, members of the public or anyone else who saw the accident could be called upon to provide a witness statement. Be sure you have the relevant contact information for these individuals. 

For more advice on what steps you should take after an accident, or for a free assessment of your eligibility to claim compensation for an accident caused by unsafe working practices, contact our team today.

Settlements For Accidents Caused By Unsafe Practices In The Workplace

If an accident at work resulting from negligence caused you to be injured, you could claim compensation. If your claim is a success, you will receive general damages. This is the head of claim that relates to the pain, suffering and lost amenity that your injuries have resulted in.

Solicitors can use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them assign a value to general damages. Because of this, we have created a compensation table based on the figures from the 16th edition of the JCG to help give you an idea of how these claims are valued. Please be aware that these should only be used as guidelines, not guarantees.

Compensation Brackets

Injury TypeGuidelines On PayoutsInjury Notes
Multiple Very Serious Injuries As Well Significant Special DamagesUp to £500,000 +The injured person will have multiple very serious injuries as well incurring substantial financial losses including lost pay, home adaptations and medical bills
Severe Back Injury (i)£111,150 to £196,450A combination of very serious consequences resulting from damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots. Severe pain and disability.
Chest Injury£122,850 to £183,190Loss of one lung and/or serious damage to the heart.
Severe Knee Injury (i)£85,100 to £117,410Disruption of the joint, gross damage to ligaments and a loss of function. Surgery will have either taken place or will be inevitable.
Severe Leg Injury - Very Serious (ii)£66,920 to £109,290Ongoing mobility issues and injuries where multiple breaks have taken years to heal. There may be deformity or limited movement.
Arm Injury - Serious £47,810 to £73,050The injury could result in substantial and permanent disability. It could include instances where one or both forearms were fractured.
Severe Neck Injury (ii)£55,500 to £68,330Severe soft tissue injuries such as ruptured tendons. Could also include bone fractures and dislocation.
Moderate Neck Injury (ii)£16,770 to £30,500Including wrenching type injuries and other soft tissue injuries which lead to further problems in the future.
Wrist Injury£29,900 to £47,870The wrist does retain some useful movement though there is a permanent disability.
Moderate Hand Injury£6,910 to £16,200Lacerations, penetrating wounds and other soft tissue injuries are included in this bracket.

Special Damages

You could also be entitled to a head of claim called special damages. This head of a claim aims to reimburse you for the financial impact that your injuries have had on you.

Special damages could include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Travel costs to and from medical appointments
  • Care costs
  • Lost earnings
  • Adaptations to your car and/or vehicle to cope with your injuries

Speak with our team today for a free assessment of the value of your claim.

Contact Us If Unsafe Practices In The Workplace Injured You

If you meet the right criteria to claim after unsafe practices in the workplace have caused you injury, a member of our team could connect you with a solicitor from our panel who can offer you a No Win No Fee agreement. Under a particular form of this agreement called a Conditional Fee Agreement, you won’t pay a solicitors fee upfront or as they continue to work on your claim. Furthermore, if your claim isn’t successful, then you won’t pay them anything for the work they have done on your case.

Instead, you will fund your solicitor’s services by paying a success fee if you win; this is made up of a percentage of your settlement. The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013 caps the success fee that can be taken.

Please reach out to Legal Helpline today to see if you can make a workplace injury claim:

Learn More About Workplace Safety

These guides may be helpful if you want to claim compensation for an accident at work.

I Fell From A Ladder At Work, Could I Claim Compensation?

Slip, Trip, Fall Workplace Accident Claims Guide

£8,000 Compensation Payout For A Broken Jaw In A Workplace Accident

A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guide to reporting accidents and illnesses at work

A guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 from the HSE

A broken arm or wrist injuries – a guide from the NHS

If you have been injured by unsafe practices in the workplace caused by employer negligence, speak with our team today.

