Examples of CICA Payouts For Successful Criminal Injury Claims

By Stephen Bishop. Last Updated 6th August 2024. This guide will take you through examples of CICA payouts that successful criminal injuries compensation claims could result in. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) are an executive agency with government sponsorship. They can compensate those who have been injured due to a crime of violence.

We will look closely not only at the different payouts that could be awarded but also at the eligibility criteria that determine if a claim is valid. This guide will also share useful information on gathering evidence and the kinds of incidents that the CICA recognises as violent crimes.

We will also explain what it means to work with an expert criminal injury solicitor on No Win No Fee terms. As well as reading this guide, you can learn more and get free legal insight from our team by:

A gavel and a pair of handcuffs on a table

Select A Section

  1. Examples of CICA Payouts
  2. Special Expenses In CICA Payouts
  3. What Eligibility Criteria Does Your CICA Claim Have To Meet?
  4. Evidence Supporting CICA Claims
  5. Types Of CICA Claim
  6. Start Your Criminal Injury Compensation Claim
  7. Learn More About Examples of CICA Payouts In These Guides

Examples of CICA Payouts

If you’re looking to make a criminal injury claim, then you may be seeking examples of CICA payouts for successful cases submitted to the organisation. Criminal compensation payouts from the CICA are valued in line with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012. It includes a tariff which covers many types of potential criminal injuries. The amounts featured in this tariff are fixed, meaning that if your claim is a success you will receive the exact amount listed for your injury.

The tariff has provisions for numerous different scenarios. You may be eligible to seek compensation based on:

  • The type of criminal assault you’ve suffered.
  • How many times the assault occurred.
  • What injuries you have due to the assault or multiple assaults.

You can view some of the CICA payouts from the tariff in the table below. Please note however that the first entry has not been taken from this tariff.

Multiple Severe Injuries Plus Special ExpensesIf you're eligible to claim for multiple severe injuries and special expenses, then you may receive a payout that covers all of this.Up to £500,000
Major ParalysisSubstantially complete paraplegia. This award does not account for paralysis resulting from brain damage.£175,000
LegThe loss of both legs.£110,000
Brain DamageModerate brain damage causing a moderate degree of dependence on others.£55,000
EarPermanent and total deafness in both ears.£44,000
ArmLoss of one non-dominant arm.£33,000
Sexual Offence Against A Victim Of Any AgeSexual assault causing serious internal injuries£22,000
Other PaymentsThe victim is infected with one or more of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV. This payment falls outside of the multiple injury formula.£22,000
KidneyThe loss of one kidney.£11,000

If your CICA claim is for a single injury, then you’ll receive the full tariff amount offered for that injury. If you are claiming for multiple injuries, however, then the tariff will cover up to three injuries at the following rates:

  • The highest value injury – 100% of the tariff value.
  • The second highest value injury – 30% of the tariff value.
  • The third highest value injury – 15% of the tariff value.

Additional payments may be awarded on top of being compensated for three injuries at maximum if any of the following applies because of the criminal attack you suffered:

  • You became pregnant.
  • A sexually transmitted disease was contracted.
  • You ended up losing a foetus.

You can contact our advisors for free today if you are seeking more advice about CICA compensation amounts.

Special Expenses In CICA Payouts

You could also be awarded compensation to reimburse you for certain special expenses that you have incurred. These expenses must be proven to directly result from the violent crime you were the victim of; they also need to be necessary and reasonable.

Among the possible special expenses that the CICA could reimburse for are:

  • The cost of care or supervision required to prevent substantial danger to you or others.
  • Money spent on treatment under the NHS or treatment under another state health service that would have incurred the equivalent cost.
  • Fees for special equipment or accommodation adaptations made necessary by your injuries.
  • The price of replacing physical aids damaged during the crime, such as spectacles.

Compensation for special expenses will only be awarded if injuries restrict work beyond the 28-week period but are backdated to the incident date. For example, if your work-limiting injuries last for more than 28 weeks but you replaced your broken glasses the week after the incident, you can still claim for the cost of the replacement glasses.

Examples Of Payouts For Loss Of Earnings

If you are injured so badly that you cannot work, you may be able to claim Statutory Sick Pay for the first 28 weeks after the incident.

You could claim through the CICA for a loss of earnings lasting beyond 28 full weeks in certain circumstances. You’d only be awarded compensation for the period that Statutory Sick Pay does not cover. 

There are several for loss of earnings or other special expenses claims, so it is worth speaking to our advisors to find out what you can request and what could be paid out.

What Eligibility Criteria Does Your CICA Claim Have To Meet?

Having provided you with some examples of CICA payouts and explaining how they’re calculated, this section explains the eligibility criteria in order to make a criminal injury claim through the CICA. The following conditions will need to be met in order to claim:

  1. You were the victim of a violent crime that the Scheme 2012 compensates for.
  2. The crime took place in Great Britain (England, Scotland or Wales) or another relevant place.
  3. The crime was reported to the police.

The CICA also advise that if you are able to claim through another avenue, such as a vicarious liability claim or against the perpetrator directly, you should do so.

Limitation Periods in CICA Claims

In most CICA claims, the limitation period is two years from the date the incident took place. However, if exceptional circumstances prevent you from claiming within this time period, the CICA may allow you to claim outside of this time frame. However, they will assess this on a case-by-case basis.

The time limits for those criminally injured as minors differ. To learn about these differences, find out if you are eligible to claim criminal injury compensation, or ask further questions about CICA payouts, contact our team today using the details given above.

Evidence Supporting CICA Claims

You need to provide proof that you were the victim of a violent crime that caused you injury and that you meet the CICA’s qualifying criteria in order to make a claim. To do this, you should ensure you have:

  • Proof of nationality. The CICA website states some clear conditions for non-Brits.
  • A crime reference number to show you reported the crime.
  • Medical records demonstrating the extent of your injuries.

You could ask our advisors to explain what steps you should take to gather this evidence while discussing examples of CICA payouts.

However, it is not necessary to gather witness details or police reports. The CICA can liaise with the police while reviewing a claim to understand what happened and gauge your conduct during the incident. Along with your criminal record, this information can have an impact on the payout you receive.

If you would like to speak with a member of our team today about the evidence you might need to provide in support of a claim, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Types Of CICA Claim

Not every crime is classed as a crime of violence that the CICA can compensate for. Among the examples of crimes of violence are:

You can still claim if no one has been convicted, charged or identified, so proving the perpetrator’s identity is not required. Get in touch with our team today if you have questions about making a compensation claim through the CICA. 

Start Your Criminal Injury Compensation Claim

You may want to find legal representation to help you claim through the CICA. An expert criminal injury solicitor from our panel could support you with a valid claim by gathering evidence and submitting all the necessary documentation. They may also be able to discuss examples of CICA payouts. The lawyers from our panel offer their services under No Win No Fee terms, specifically under a Conditional Fee Agreement.

You could benefit from this agreement, which means you don’t have to pay a fee for your solicitor’s services upfront or as the claim is ongoing, or at all if the claim fails.

If your claim is a success, then:

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss the examples of CICA payouts that we have shown you in this guide, you can speak to our dedicated advisors. On top of this, an advisor could assess your potential claim and connect you with a solicitor from our panel if you have valid grounds to seek criminal injury compensation through the CICA.

We are here to help, so if you need support or guidance, then please:

A criminal injury claim solicitor and a client sat at a desk and shaking hands

Learn More About Examples of CICA Payouts In These Guides

You may find our other guides to be a worthwhile read:

These resources may also be helpful:

Thank you for reading our guide and looking through the examples of CICA payouts. If you need any support, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.