This guide will look at when manual handling claims solicitors may be able to help you claim after an accident at work. If you’ve been harmed as a result of negligence, then this guide could help you understand the steps you take before claiming.

Whilst claiming through a solicitor is not compulsory, it can be really useful in the process of building and presenting a claim. This guide will address what services a solicitor can provide you with and a method of working with one that means you won’t have to pay them upfront.
According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) workplace injury statistics, Manual Handling injuries accounted for 18% of all non-fatal injuries reported by employers in the workplace in 2021/22. We will provide some examples of how a manual handling injury might occur as a result of negligence.
We have also included a section dedicated to compensation. In this, we will address what you can claim for and provide a table of compensation brackets that you can use as guidance.
For free advice information on manual handling claims solicitors, contact our advisors for free using the contact details below. They may connect you to a solicitor from our panel if they believe you have a valid claim.
Contact Details
- Contact us by submitting the online claim form.
- Speak to one of our advisors over the phone on 0333 000 0729.
- Talk to our advisors using the live chat below.
Select A Section
- How Can Manual Handling Claims Solicitors Help Me?
- Can I Work With Manual Handling Claims Solicitors?
- What Manual Handling Injuries Could You Claim For?
- How Much Is My Manual Handling Claim Worth?
- Make A Manual Handling Claim today On A No Win No Fee Basis
- Read More About Accidents At Work
How Can Manual Handling Claims Solicitors Help Me?
Our panel of solicitors specialise in manual handling claims. It isn’t necessary to claim with a solicitor, but it can make the process less stressful compared to claiming alone, and their expert knowledge and experience in similar claims can strengthen your claim.
Solicitors provide a range of help with personal injury claims. Here are some examples of the services they can provide:
- Taking witness statements.
- Assessing what damages are owed, including special damages.
- Helping gather evidence.
- Ensuring that the correct pre-action protocols for personal injury claims are followed.
If you would like to see if you can work with a solicitor from our panel, contact our team of advisors for free using the contact details above. They can assess whether you have a claim and may connect you to a solicitor from our panel who has experience dealing with claims similar to your own.
Can I Work With Manual Handling Claims Solicitors?
For a solicitor to take your claim on, you will need to satisfy the eligibility criteria for making a personal injury claim. You need to show:
- Firstly, you were owed a duty of care.
- Secondly, there was a breach of this duty.
- Thirdly, this breach caused your injuries.
The definition of negligence in personal injury claims is a breach of a duty of care that leads to an injury. Every employee is owed a duty of care by their employer, outlined under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Their duty is to take reasonable steps to prevent injuries to their employees.
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 contains more specific guidance in relation to risk assessing these tasks. Below, we have included some examples of manual handling injuries that could occur as a result of negligence:
- A back injury, such as a slipped disc caused by lifting something too heavy.
- Trying to lift an item that is out of reach could cause you to be struck by a fallen object, causing a head injury.
- Lifting and moving heavy objects with poor technique and posture due to a lack of manual handling training could lead to injuries such as sprains and strains.
What Time Limit May Apply To My Claim?
Generally, the claim time limit, outlined in the Limitation Act 1980, is three years from the accident date. However, exceptions can apply where the claim time limit would be suspended.
This involves scenarios such as the following, for example:
- The claimant is mentally incapable of claiming for themselves. In this situation, the time limit would be suspended unless they become capable of pursuing their own claim unless a litigation friend has already made one for them.
- If the claimant is under 18, the time limit is suspended. They will have three years from their 18th birthday to submit their own claim. A litigation friend can make one for them while the limit is suspended.
If you would like to know what time limit could apply to your claim, speak with an advisor today.
What Manual Handling Injuries Could You Claim For?
Negligence in manual handling can cause a variety of injuries in a range of severities. Below, we have included a list of injuries that manual handling accidents could cause:
- Sprains and strains.
- Muscle tears.
- Back injuries, such as a slipped disc.
- Shoulder injuries or a fractured clavicle.
- Arm injuries or wrist injuries.
- Crush injuries, for example, those to the hands and fingers
If you are unsure if you have a claim following a manual handling accident, you can speak with one of our advisors for free. They may connect you to one of the manual handling claims solicitors from our panel if they feel your case is valid.
How Much Is My Manual Handling Claim Worth?
Compensation settlements can be made up of two potential heads of claim. Accounting for the physical pain and mental suffering, general damages make up one of the heads of claim.
Below is a table of compensation figures taken from the Judicial College Guidelines, a tool that solicitors can use to help them value general damages.
Compensation Table
Injury Value Notes
Severe Back Injuries (i) £91,090 to £160,980 Damage to spinal cord and nerve roots leading to a combination of very serious consequences.
Loss of One Hand £96,160 to £109,650 Hand was crushed and thereafter amputated or majority of hand traumatically amputated.
Very Serious Leg Injuries (ii) £54,830 to £87,890 Permanent problems caused by injuries and mobility aids necessary for the remainder of person's life.
Severe Knee Injuries (ii) £52,120 to £69,730 Leg fracture extending to knee joint causing pain and limited movement.
Injuries Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement £39,170 to £59,860 Serious fractures with significant permanent disablement.
Severe Shoulder Injuries £19,200 to £48,030 Damage to the brachial plexus resulting in significant disability.
Moderate Injuries to Hip/Pelvis (i) £26,590 to £39,170 Significant injury to hip/pelvis but no major permanent disability.
Less Severe Brain Injury £15,320 to £43,060 Persisting problems of poor concentration, memory interfering with leisure and lifestyle.
Moderate Neck Injuries (i) £24,990 to £38,490 Fractures or dislocations that cause severe immediate symptoms.
Fracture of Index Finger £9,110 to £12,240 Fracture healed quickly but grip remains impaired.
Please note that the figures in this table are guidelines and not guaranteed sums. For more information on calculating manual handling claims, a solicitor from our panel can give you a valuation. Contact our advisors for free advice.
Special Damages In Manual Handling Claims
The other potential head of claim is special damages; this accounts for the financial losses caused by your injuries. Here are some of the costs that could be covered by the special damages head of claim:
- Loss of earnings.
- Future loss of income.
- Medical expenses.
- Travel costs.
Evidence is important to prove your claim; without it, you might not receive the full settlement you’re entitled to. Evidence can consist of payslips and receipts, for example.
A solicitor could help you with the process of collecting evidence and ensure that all aspects of your claim are addressed. Speak with a member of our team today to see if you could be connected with one of the manual handling claims solicitors from our panel.
Make A Manual Handling Claim Today On A No Win No Fee Basis
Our panel of No Win No Fee solicitors have experience in manual handling claims. They can work under a form of No Win No Fee called a Conditional Fee Agreement.
This form of agreement means there will be no upfront costs for starting your claim, and you will generally not be charged any ongoing fees as the claim progresses.
In the event of a successful claim, your solicitor will take a percentage of your compensation; this is known as a success fee and is legally capped by the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, so you cannot be overcharged. If you aren’t awarded compensation, you won’t pay your lawyer for the work they’ve done on your case.
You can speak to one of our advisors about making a claim with one of the manual handling claims solicitors from our panel using the details below:
Contact Details
- Contact us by submitting the online claim form.
- Speak to one of our advisors over the phone on 0333 000 0729.
- Talk to our advisors using the live chat below.
Read More About Accidents At Work
Below, we have included links regarding manual handling claims and solicitors’ services. Read some more of our guides below:
- Our guide on neck injury claims.
- Read about self-employed accident at work claims.
- Information on defective work equipment claims.
- Learn about claiming for forklift truck accidents.
We have also included some helpful external resources:
- Health and Safety Executive – Accident book.
- NHS – Sprains and strains.
- Statutory Sick Pay
Written by Matthew
Edited by Fern