By Danielle Graves. Last Updated 20th January 2023. Have you been injured because of a broken thumb accident at work? If you have suffered a broken thumb or a fractured thumb because of an accident that was caused by your employer acting negligently, you could be entitled to claim compensation. If you believe you are owed compensation for a broken thumb at work but don’t know where to start, call Legal Helpline to speak to a trusted advisor, about how to claim accident compensation for a thumb fracture or broken thumb, caused by a workplace accident.
Who are Legal Helpline? We are a respected personal injury claims advisory service. If you have been injured in an accident at work, or elsewhere, that was not your fault, we can offer you help and advise on the most effective way to claim compensation. If we can see that you are owed compensation we will refer you to an excellent personal injury lawyer who will be happy to take on your case.
To begin your broken thumb workplace accident claim, call Legal Helpline today on 0161 6969 685. Alternatively, use our online enquiry form to tell us more about your accident and if we can see that you have the right to claim, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Alternatively, read our guide to claiming a compensation payout for a broken thumb for more information.
Jump To A Section
- Workplace Accidents Leading To Fractured Or Broken Thumb Injuries
- What To Do For A Broken Thumb Claim – Gathering Evidence
- Workplace Accidents As Identified By The Health And Safety Executive
- 5 Ways You Could Suffer A Broken Thumb In A Workplace Accident
- Case Study: £15,000 Payout For A Broken Thumb Accident At Work
- Broken Thumb Accident At Work Compensation Calculator
- Broken Thumb – How Long Do I Have To Claim?
- No Win No Fee Broken Thumb Accident At Work Compensation Claims
- How To Make A Broken Thumb Compensation Claim
- Talking To Legal Helpline About Your Case
- Resources And References
Workplace Accidents Leading To Fractured Or Broken Thumb Injuries
Our guide will go into detail about what negligence is and explain how such an injury could be valued in compensation. We will also touch briefly on what

treatment for a broken thumb, though you should seek the advice of a medical professional for in-depth information on this.
Our advisers are available to speak with you directly about anything we discuss in this guide or compensation claims in general.
Symptoms Of A Broken Thumb
While a broken finger or thumb can and generally will heal itself, the NHS does recommend seeking out medical advice if you suspect that you have sustained such an injury.
Some symptoms of a broken thumb could include:
- Pain in the area
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Inability to move it
A medical professional could give you an official diagnosis or confirmation of your injury. If your injury was caused by negligence, you could be eligible to make a compensation claim.
What To Do For A Broken Thumb Claim – Gathering Evidence
You might be wondering, ‘what to do for a broken thumb?’. As we have discussed, you might be able to claim for an accident at work caused by employer negligence. So, what is employer negligence? This occurs when your employer fails to adhere to the duty of care set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA) and you are injured as a result.
This means that your employer must take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees. Failure to do so is a breach in their duty of care. Should you suffer an injury, such as broken thumb, because your employer did not adhere to the legislation and can prove this caused your injury, you might be eligible for compensation.
Examples of evidence that could support a hand injury claim include:
- Accident logbook. This should include your name, the time and date, along with relevant details about the accident and your injury.
- Medical records. Details of any treatment you sought for your fractured thumb should be included, along with any x-rays that show the broken bone.
- Footage of the accident. This may include CCTV footage or a recording from a mobile phone.
- Witness contact details. They might be able to provide a statement later.
Free advice about what evidence could support your claim is available from our advisors. You can call them 24/7 with any questions you have about claiming.
Workplace Accidents As Identified By The Health And Safety Executive
The RIDDOR regulations state that employers must report more serious accidents that meet certain criteria to the Health and Safety Executive. An estimated 581,000 accidents at work happened in the UK during the financial year 2018/9, causing non-fatal injuries. Below is a break down of non-fatal injuries that happened during that year:
- 29% were due to slips, trips and falls on the same level
- 20% were due to handling, lifting or carrying
- 10% were due to struck by a moving object
- 8% were due to acts of violence
- 8% were caused by falls from a height
- 4% injuries were caused by contact with moving machinery
- 4% being struck against a moving or stationary object
- 2% being hit by a moving object vehicle
- 16% all other types of accidents
PDF source guide from the Health and Safety Executive.
5 Ways You Could Suffer A Broken Thumb In A Workplace Accident
There are several different ways in which you could suffer a fractured or broken thumb. Below, we look at some examples of how such an injury could occur.
- Manual handling accidents: During manual handling activities a heavy object can be dropped on a thumb, or a person can have their thumb trapped between two objects.
- Crush accidents: Crush accidents can happen if a piece of faulty furniture or machinery collapses on a worker’s thumb or finger.
- Work vehicle road traffic accidents: If you suffer a broken thumb or finger fracture in a car accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim. If you were injured whilst driving a company vehicle, you could be entitled to claim compensation.
- Trips and falls at the same level or from a height: If someone falls they often put their hand out to protect themselves. This can result in a broken finger, thumb, hand or wrist injury.
- Repetitive strain injuries: In extreme cases, a hairline fracture can occur because of overuse of a hand.
However, you suffered a broken thumb injury at work, if the accident was caused by negligence on the part of your employer, you could be entitled to claim compensation.
Case Study: £15,000 Payout For A Broken Thumb Accident At Work
We will now look at the case of Mr S, a stone worker from Cambridgeshire. Mr S worked for a stonemasonry firm, that worked on indoor and outdoor sites. At the time of the accident, Mr S was working on a project that involved outside work on a historical building. The machinery used was installed by a contracted engineering firm.
Unfortunately, Mr S was injured in an avoidable accident when a stone cutting machine fell on top of his right hand. The machine was very heavy and crushed his hand, breaking his thumb and pointing finger. A later investigation found that the proper safety checks had not been taken, his employer and the contracted engineering firm admitted fault and were held liable for his injuries.
As a result of his injuries, Mr S had to take several weeks off work and was unable to perform household tasks. He also suffered a lot of pain and had to take pain killers to cope. He hired a personal injury solicitor to handle his broken thumb injury claim. The solicitor pushed to win him the compensation he could be entitled to claim and after much negotiation, he was awarded £15,000 in compensation.
This settlement included general damages and special damages to cover his expenses, and income lost due to the time he had to take off work.
Broken Thumb Accident At Work Compensation Calculator
You can use this broken thumb compensation calculator to estimate how much compensation you could be entitled to claim in general damages. This calculator does not include special damages, such as loss of income.
Type Of Injury | Comments On Injury | Severity | Settlement |
Loss of a thumb | Complete loss of the thumb | Loss of the digit (r) | £35,520 to £54,830 |
Injuries to the thumb | Injuries where the thumb was severed from the hand at the base and was then grafted back on. The thumb is now deformed and useless. There may also have been an amputation at the interphalangeal joint. | Very serious (s) | £19,600 to £35,010 |
Injuries to the thumb | The tip of the thumb may have been amputated. There may also have been nerve injuries or a break which required wires to be inserted. . | Serious injuries (t) | £12,590 to £16,760 |
Injuries to the thumb | There may have been injury to the nerves or tendons in the thumb. There may also have been loss of function or cosmetic damage. | Moderate injuries (u) | £9,670 to £12,590 |
Injuries to the thumb | A severe level of dislocation to the thumb. | Severe dislocation (v) | £6,340 to £7,780 |
Injuries to the thumb | More minor levels of injury to the thumb (or to a finger). May include some fractures. | Minor (w) | Up to £4,750 |
Finger fractures | Severe fractures that could result in partial amputations and reduced function. | Severe (f) | Up to £36,740 |
If you make a successful personal injury claim, your compensation payout will be awarded in two parts. The first compensation amount will be general damages which will award you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that you have experienced as a result of your injuries. Your second compensation amount will be special damages which will compensate you for any expenses or financial losses you have experienced as a result of your injuries.
If you have experienced a broken thumb because of an accident at work that was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim compensation from your employer. Call Legal Helpline today, to see if you are entitled to claim and to begin your case.
Broken Thumb – How Long Do I Have To Claim?
You may be wondering what to do for a broken thumb injury. If you’ve suffered such an injury, we recommend seeking the advice of a medical professional for information on broken thumb treatment.
Once you have received treatment, you may wish to make a broken thumb claim if your injury was caused by negligence. Under the Limitation Act 1980, you are typically given three years to start a personal injury claim from the date it became apparent that you suffered an injury. However, certain circumstances will suspend the three-year time limit. These include:
- If the claimant was under 18 at the time of the incident. During the suspended period, a litigation friend could start their broken thumb claim. However, if a litigation friend did not start a claim in this period, once they turn 18, the claimant will have three years to start a claim.
- If the claimant lacked mental capacity. As with those under 18, a litigation friend could start their claim. However, if a claim was not begun on their behalf and they regain capacity, they will be given three years from the date they recovered to start a claim.
Call our advisors to start your broken thumb claim today.
No Win No Fee Broken Thumb Accident At Work Compensation Claims
If you have been injured or ill because of negligence on the part of your employer, we can provide you with an excellent no win no fee solicitor to handle your case.
What are the advantages of making a no win no fee claim?
- You will not have to pay an upfront solicitors fee. For many of our clients, this makes making a no win no fee claim, the more affordable option.
- You will not have to pay your solicitors fee unless you win. Of course, a reputable solicitor won’t take on a case that they know they can’t win but many clients find that making a no win no fee claim provides them with extra peace of mind.
To enquire about making a no win no fee claim for a broken thumb, call Legal Helpline today.
How To Make A Broken Thumb Compensation Claim
If you have suffered a broken thumb injury or a thumb fracture injury because of negligence on the part of your employer, call Legal Helpline to see if you can claim compensation. We can provide you with an excellent solicitor who can handle your claim. The solicitors we work with will always push to win you the maximum amount of compensation you could be entitled to claim and not a penny less. They have up to three decades of experience handling compensation claims for accidents at work, so your claim is bound to be in safe hands.
Talking To Legal Helpline About Your Case
To learn more about making a no win no fee claim for a broken thumb workplace accident, call Legal Helpline today. We offer a free personal injury claims consultation for anyone looking to claim compensation for an accident in the workplace. During your consultation, one of our excellent personal injury claims advisors will speak to you in-depth about your ordeal and if they can see that you have the right to claim, they will refer you to an excellent personal injury lawyer to handle your claim. Call today, we’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Resources And References
Hand Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – See how much compensation you could claim in compensation for a hand injury.
Elbow Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – Look at how elbow injuries work and how you could make such a claim.
How Much Compensation Can I Claim For An Accident At Work? – Our more comprehensive guide to workplace accident claims.
External Injuries
An NHS Guide To A Broken Finger – Medical information on how to deal with a broken finger or thumb.
A Healthline Guide To Identifying And Treating A Broken Thumb – A guide on what to do if you have a suspected broken thumb.