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A Guide To A £20,000 Payout For A Broken Toe Accident At Work

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If you have suffered a broken toe accident at work, and you’re wondering how much you could claim, you may be interested to read about the potential payout of £20,000 in broken toe compensation payouts that could be made for a broken toe at work. Breaking a toe at work could happen in a multitude of ways and you may be unsure as to whether your fractured toe at work could make you eligible for compensation. This is what we are aiming to discuss here. We’ll take you through a possible case for a compensation claim against a workplace, that could potentially lead to a payout of around £20,000. We’ll also explain a little more about broken toes, how they are treated and what kinds of impact they could have on your life, as well as looking at calculating how much your claim could be worth, how you could benefit from using a solicitor for an accident at work claim, and how we could help you begin a claim without you having to pay for a personal injury solicitor upfront. You can call our legal helpline for advice on 0333 000 0729 if you have any questions about broken toe compensation amounts, or if you’d like to begin a claim, but firstly, why not read on to find out more about making a broken toe personal injury claim.

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Broken Toe Injuries At Work

You may assume that broken toe compensation payouts would not be very high, but in fact, in some cases, broken toe injuries could be quite serious and claims for these types of injuries could lead to quite significant broken toe compensation amounts. When you take a look at how a broken toe injury could affect you, you may understand why.

Broken toe accident at work
Broken toe accident at work

In terms of a simple broken toe injury, where the only symptoms are redness and swelling, and some pain, these injuries could be managed at home with painkillers ice and rest, according to the broken toe NHS page. However, if you suffer symptoms that include the following, you may need to seek urgent medical attention or at least broken toe advice from a medical professional:

  • You suspect it is your big toe that has been broken
  • Your toe is at a peculiar angle
  • The bone is sticking out of the skin
  • You have a severe cut/wound
  • You heard a snap, a grinding noise, or a pop at the time of the injury
  • Your pain is severe
  • You have lost some of the sensation in your toe or foot
  • A child has broken their toe

If you have a severe break, or if your big toe is the toe that has been fractured, treatment could involve reduction, splinting or casting and you may be required to use crutches or wear a broken toe boot for a time in some cases.

Anatomy Of The Toe

The toes contain more than one bone each, including the phalanges, and the metatarsals. The metatarsals are the bones that attach the toe to the foot, and the phalanges are the bones found at the end of the toes that connect to the metatarsals at the metatarsal phalangeal joint. The metatarsals join cuboid of the foot at the tarsometatarsal joint. The cuboid then joins with the higher part of the foot at the transverse tarsal joint. A toe fracture is a diagnosis when one or more of the phalanges or one or more metatarsal bone is broken after an injury has been sustained to the foot or toes.

Common Causes Of Accidents And Injuries In The Workplace

According to the HSE, there are some non-fatal accidents and injuries that could be considered more common than others in the workplace. These could include:

  • Trips, slips or falls, on the same level (29%)
  • Carrying, lifting or handling (20%)
  • Being struck by some kind of moving object (10%)
  • Being subjected to an act of violence (8%)
  • Falling from a height (8%)

All of these types of accident could cause a broken toe at work. If it could be proven that your broken toe at work was caused by your employer’s negligence towards your health and safety, then you could consider making a claim for compensation.

8 Ways You Could Break Your Toe At Work

There are many ways in which a broken toe at work could occur.

  1. Manual handling accidents – If you are tasked with lifting or handling heavy items, and they fall or tip on your foot, you might suffer a broken toe at work. If you could prove that your employer could be held responsible for the manual handling accident, for example, because they did not give you manual handling training or they required you to lift loads that were too heavy, then you could be eligible to claim compensation.
  2. Dropping heavy objects on your foot – Whether you are using heavy tools, or other items and they are dropped on your foot, this could also cause a broken toe accident at work. If this type of accident could have been prevented by your employer taking reasonable steps to protect your health and safety at work, you could consider looking into making a claim for compensation.
  3. Crush accidents – Whether your toe is crushed in machinery or by a heavy load, a crush injury could lead to your toe being broken. If your crush injury could have been prevented if your employer had fitted safety guards to machinery, or taken other reasonable steps to reduce your risks of such an injury, then you may be eligible to make a claim.
  4. A vehicle running over your toe – If your foot/toe is run over by a vehicle, such as a car, lorry, pallet truck, forklift truck or even a bicycle, this could cause a broken toe injury. If there were no safe walkways designated at your workplace, for example, or another employees reckless driving caused your injury, or your employer did not protect your health and safety and this led to the vehicle running over your toe, then you might be able to make a claim for a fractured toe at work suffered as a result of this type of accident.
  5. No health and safety boots or steel toe cap boots provided – If you have not been provided with safety boots by your employer and a broken toe was a risk that came with your job that could be prevented with the provision of such boots, your employer could be responsible for your injuries if your toe is broken in this way.
  6. Trips and falls – If you have suffered a trip or a fall at work, this could also lead you to suffer a broken toe. If you tripped on a hazard that should not have been where it was, or it should have been signposted, for example, then you might be able to hold your employer responsible for your broken toe accident at work.
  7. Striking your foot against something – If you struck your toe against something and broke your toe, you may be under the impression that you would not be able to make a claim for this type of accident. However, if the item you struck your toe against should not have been where it was, or the working area you were in when you were injured was found to be unsafe, leading you to strike your foot, then you could be able to hold your employer responsible for your injury.
  8. Something striking your toe – Whether it was an improperly stacked shelf leading to something falling and striking your toe, or a piece of machinery struck your toe when it malfunctioned, for example, and this could have been avoided had your employer taken care of your health and safety by ensuring machinery was maintained correctly and safe shelf stacking protocols were followed, then you may be able to claim compensation.

For all of these types of accident and more, you would be required to prove that negligence as to your health and safety at work caused the accident and your injuries. A personal injury lawyer may be able to help build a strong case for compensation if this was the case.

Case Study: Compensation Payout For A Broken Toe Accident At Work Caused By Slipping Over

Here we look at a fictitious case that provides an example of a claim that could lead to broken toe at work compensation.

The claimant, who we will refer to as Mr A, was working at a supermarket, stacking shelves and moving stock from the delivery area to the storage area of the shop. He was tasked with moving a trolley/roll cage that was loaded with stock from the delivery area into storage. Upon moving the roll cage, he slipped on a spillage on the floor that had been left there by a spilt liquid from a damaged bottle earlier in the day. As he pulled on the cage to save himself, an item fell off the roll cage, and landed on the claimant’s toe, which caused a fracture.

Mr A was taken to hospital and the break in his big toe was spotted on an X-ray. He was forced to wear a broken toe boot while the injury healed and because of the severity of the broken toe, time off work was required. Mr A’s broken toe healing time was around 6 weeks, after which he was able to return to work, but he was only paid statutory sick pay during his broken toe healing time, meaning he had been financially disadvantaged by the injury, as well as suffering pain because of the broken toe accident at work

Mr A claimed that his employer should have ensured not only that the spillage on the floor should have been cleared away or signposted as a hazard, but also that the roll cage should have been loaded correctly, without items being stored on top of the load line. He claimed compensation for the lost wages from having to have time off work, as well as broken toe compensation payouts for his injury and prescription costs for painkillers he was prescribed because of the pain of his injury.

Calculating Broken Big Toe Compensation Amounts

When calculating compensation for broken toe injuries at work, we know that some people may use a personal injury claims calculator to get an idea of what broken toe workers comp they could be entitled to. A broken toe compensation calculator would only ever give a rough idea of the broken toe compensation amounts that may be appropriate for your case, however, as every personal injury claim involves an independent medical assessment, and a claim couldn’t be valued until all the medical reports from such an assessment were reviewed. In order to give you some idea of how much you could claim for your accident at work broken toe injury, we’ve put together an alternative to the type of claims calculator we mentioned above. We’ve taken guideline compensation amounts for toe injuries from the Judicial College Guidelines. We hope you find the information we’ve gathered useful, but if your injury doesn’t appear here, we could also give you guidance over the phone.

Toe InjuryCompensation BracketFurther information
Amputation – All Toes£34,270 to £52,620The amount would be determined based on whether the amputation was surgical or traumatic and the extent to which the forefoot was lost, as well as mobility effects.
Amputation – Big/Great toeAround £29,380-
Severe Toe Injuries£12,900 to £29,770Where there are crush injuries that are deemed to be severe. One or more toes may be amputated (but not the big toe) or would be severely injured to the extent that they fell just short of a need for amputation, or only required a partial amputation. A bursting wound could be considering within this bracket also. Continuing significant symptoms would be produced.
Serious toe injuries£9,010 to £12,900Where there are serious big toe injuries or a variety of fractures or crush injuries to 2+ toes. Permanent disability to some level would be expected in these cases, whether through scarring, pain or discomfort. Cases where there was impaired gait would be nearer the top of this bracket.
Moderate toe injuriesUp to £9,010Fairly straightforward fractures could be included within this bracket. Where there are prolonged symptoms (minor) or a need for surgery, awards could reach the higher end of this bracket.

In addition to the broken toe compensation payouts that you can see in the table above, you may also be able to claim broken toe at work compensation to cover any time of work you’ve had that has caused you to lose out on income, as well as costs including medical expenses and travel expenses that have resulted from your injury.

No Win No Fee Broken Toe Accident At Work Compensation Claims

Were you thinking of retaining the services of a personal injury lawyer to help you with your broken toe accident at work claim? If so, you may have given some consideration to how you would go about paying the legal professional for their services. You may be wondering how much it would cost to retain a solicitor’s services, but with no win no fee personal injury claims, you wouldn’t have to pay any money upfront for a solicitor to start work on your case. What you would do instead is sign an agreement to pay them from your compensation, once they’d successfully secured you a payout. All the details of how much they’d be taking from your compensation (as a percentage of the total payout) would be documented within a Conditional Fee Agreement. The amount your lawyer can request as a success fee can’t be over 25% of your compensation but could be less than that. Once the agreement document has been signed, the lawyer would take your case on, and begin building an argument for compensation on your behalf. If they successfully secure you compensation, then the percentage agreed would be deducted from your total payout. However, if you had put forward a valid claim but the solicitor hadn’t secured you any compensation, you would not be required to pay this fee. We realise you might have more specific questions pertaining to the no win no fee agreement for your claim and would be happy to talk to you about this over the phone if you’d like to call us.

How Do I Claim Compensation For My Broken Toe?

If you’re considering making a claim for a broken toe accident at work, then you may wish to look for a solicitor to help you. There are benefits to using the services of someone who has experience in building accident at work claims, as they would have the capability to build a strong case for compensation that a liable party may find difficult to refute. They could also take on the leg work of proving your claim, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery. When it comes to assessing whether an offer of broken toe at work compensation would be appropriate for your case, or whether you could consider fighting for larger broken toe compensation payouts, a lawyer could offer advice on this, as well as arguing against an offer that they may feel was lower than your case deserved.

There are several ways in which you could go about find a solicitor to help with your case. You could ask friends and family for recommendations or you could search online. Alternatively, you could call Legal Helpline. With years of experience in helping claimants with injury at work claims, we could not only provide free advice and support with making a claim, we could even connect you with a solicitor that we feel would be appropriate for your case, saving you the leg work of researching each solicitor’s website you come across. All of the solicitors we could connect you with could take on claims on a no win no fee basis, so we would be able to connect you with a solicitor without you having to pay fees upfront to begin a claim.

We appreciate that there are many options open to you when looking to begin a claim for a broken toe at work, but we feel our service stands out. We genuinely care about each and every claimant we speak to, and we take pride in the feedback we’ve had from our previous clients, which attests to our friendly, professional service that puts the claimant first, every step of the way. Why not let us help you with your claim?

Contact Legal Helpline To Start Your Claim

Do you wish to go forward with a claim for a broken toe accident at work, or do you have further questions about your eligibility to claim, how long the personal injury claims time limit could be for your claim, or anything else surrounding your claim? Whatever advice and support you need with making a claim, whether you’d like some questions answered or you’d like us to connect you with a lawyer to help with your claim, we’d be happy to help. You can call us on 0333 000 0729, or fill out our contact form so that one of our team could get in touch with you at a time that suits you.

Related Claims Guides

Accident At Work Claim Guide – Here you can read some advice on making claims for accidents in the workplace. If you have suffered a broken toe accident at work, this guide might be useful.

Making Manual Handling Claims – If your broken toe at work was as a result of a manual handling accident, this page may be of interest.

Foot Injury Claims – You can read more about claims for injuries to the foot here.

Trusted External Resources

Guidance From The HSE About Manual Handling At Work – Here you can see what the HSE has to say about manual handling at work.

Guidance From The HSE About Slips And Falls At Work – Here the HSE give guidance on slips, trips and falls.

Patient Information On Big Toe Injuries – Here you can find information for patients who have injured their big toe.

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