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A Guide To A £30,000 Payout For A Fractured Calcaneus At Work

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In this guide, we’re going to look at compensation claims for a fractured calcaneus in a workplace accident. If you are involved in a work accident which can be shown to have been caused by the negligence of your employer, then you could be entitled to make a claim against them. That’s because, while you’re at work, your employer has a duty of care to try and keep you safe. Therefore, we’ll look at accident types that could lead to a claim. We’ll also use an example case study to show how compensation could be awarded. Finally, we’ll use a personal injury claims calculator to show how much compensation could be awarded for calcaneus fractures.

The advisors at Legal Helpline can help you begin a claim by providing a no-obligation assessment of your claim. They also offer free legal advice too. Should your claim be strong enough, they could introduce you to one of our panel of no win no fee solicitors. If you’re ready to begin your claim today, please call 0333 000 0729 right away.

If you’d rather find out more about claiming for an injured foot before calling, please continue reading.

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Broken And Fractured Calcaneus Accidents At Work

Fractured calcaneus injury
Fractured calcaneus injury

Later in this guide, we’ll look at some specific examples of workplace accidents which could lead to a foot injury. Before we do, lets look at the main symptoms of a fractured calcaneus. These include:

  • Pain in rear of the foot.
  • Inability to bear weight.
  • Bruising and swelling.

If you have any of the fractured calcaneus symptoms, it’s important to seek medical advice. Left untreated, bone fracture might not heal correctly and could lead to further problems.

When you visit the hospital, the doctor may send you for a CT-scan or X-ray. If the pieces of the bone are displaced, then surgery may be required to reposition them using surgical screws and plates. A bone graft may also be required to fill any gaps in the bone. Otherwise a plaster cast can be used to protect the bone while it heals naturally.

The calcaneus fracture recovery time is around 6-10 weeks. During this time, you won’t be able to bear weight on the foot. You may be given exercises by the doctor to aid your recovery.

You shouldn’t worry about claiming against your employer. If their negligence caused the accident, then it’s only right that you should consider claiming against them. Importantly, there are laws in place which mean they can’t discipline you, sack you or treat you differently for claiming.

Anatomy Of The Calcaneus And Bone Fractures

The calcaneus is a large bone that makes up the back of the foot. It is connected to the cuboid and talus bones. The join between the talus and calcaneus is called the subtalar joint which allows the foot to function normally.

An avulsion fracture of the calcaneus can occur when the Achilles tendon pulls a piece of bone from the calcaneus. A calcaneus stress fracture is less common but can occur as part of a repetitive strain injury.

Accidents At Work Which Are Reportable To The HSE

In the next section, we’re going to provide some specific scenarios where an accident at work could lead to a fractured calcaneus. Before we do, here are the most common accidents at work in 2018 according to statistics provided by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE):

  • A slip, trip or fall (on the same height) – 29%.
  • Handling, carrying and lifting injuries – 20%.
  • Being struck by an object (a vehicle or falling object etc) – 10%.
  • Acts of violence – 8%.
  • Falling from height (could include ladders, platforms or scaffolding) – 8%.

5 Types Of Accident Which Could Cause A Fractured Calcaneus

Now we’re going to look at five scenarios where a fractured calcaneus could be caused by a workplace accident.

  • Falls from a height.
    This is perhaps the most common reason for a broken calcaneus. When the foot hits the floor, the calcaneus can fracture. If the fall was caused because of a damaged ladder, a faulty handrail or a lack of safety equipment, you could be entitled to claim.
  • Injuries caused by twisting the ankle.
    It’s possible for a fracture of the calcaneus to occur when the ankle is twisted. An example of an accident that could cause this might be if you twist your ankle because of a raised paving slab or uneven surface in the workplace.
  • Car and vehicle accidents.
    If you’re involved in any form of vehicle accident as a pedestrian, passenger or driver, a fractured calcaneus is quite possible if the foot is struck by a vehicle or trapped. Claims against your employer might be possible if the accident was caused because the vehicle driver wasn’t following workplace safety guidelines or hadn’t been trained to use the vehicle properly.
  • Being struck by or against something.
    A crush injury could occur if your foot is struck by a falling object. If the item fell because of faulty shelving or incorrect stacking, you might be able to claim against your employer for your injuries.
  • Stress fractures caused by overuse or repetitive strains.
    Finally, a stress fracture could occur because of a repetitive strain injury (RSI). These can occur when the same function is carried out over a prolonged period of time. Employers should take steps to identify the potential for RSI and make changes to working practices to reduce the risk.

Case Study: £30,000 Payout For A Fractured Calcaneus At Work

In this section, we’re going to provide an example case study to demonstrate how a workplace accident could lead to a compensation claim against an employer. Remember that you can only make a claim if it can be shown that your employer’s negligence led to the accident.

In this example, the victim, who we’ll name Mr Waters, was working on scaffolding while re-pointing the side of a factory. While climbing down from the scaffolding he fell approximately 15 feet to the ground. When he looked up, he could see that the ladder had not been fixed to the scaffolding correctly and was loose on one side.

After being transported to the hospital by ambulance, Mr Waters was assessed by a doctor and X-rays were taken. The injuries he’d sustained were multiple fractures of the calcaneus, a fractured shinbone and a bruised coccyx. To resolve the fractures of the calcaneus, a metal plate and pins were used to secure the bones.

The employer admitted liability for the accident when they saw the evidence provided by Mr Water’s solicitor and agreed to settle the claim. The solicitors asked for £30,000 to cover the pain and suffering caused by the injuries, lost income due to time off work to recover as well as travelling expenses as Mr Waters was unable to drive for nearly 10 weeks. The company’s insurers agreed to the amount after reviewing the medical evidence provided.

Fractured Calcaneus Compensation Claims Calculator

Now we’re going to look at fractured calcaneus amounts. As seen in the example from the previous section, compensation is paid for pain and suffering as well as financial losses. The fractured calcaneus compensation calculator table below shows some figures that could be awarded for pain and suffering (general damages). Remember that these figures are only one part a calcaneus fracture settlement amount. To find out how much you could be entitled to, please speak with an advisor.

Type of InjurySeverityTypical Compensation RangeDetails
FootVery severe£78,800 to £102,890This bracket covers injuries that cause permanent severe pain and disability. Instances include the loss of a substantial part of the heel causing gross restriction of mobility.
FootSevere£39,390 to £65,710Examples in this bracket include the fracture of both heels causing substantial restriction of mobility or considerable permanent pain.
FootModerate£12,900 to £23,460Examples in this bracket include displaced metatarsal fractures causing permanent deformity and ongoing symptoms.
FootModestUp to £12,900 Includes simple metatarsal fractures, puncture wounds and ruptured ligaments.
ToeSerious£9,010 to £12,900Serious injuries to the big toe or multiple fractures of two or more toes are included in this bracket.
ToeModerateUp to £9,010Relatively straightforward fractures or lacerations to multiple toes.

As you can see, the calcaneus fracture compensation is based on the severity of the injury.

No Win No Fee Workplace Fractured Calcaneus Injury Claims

You might worry that the cost of claiming for a fractured calcaneus accident at work will be too expensive. You needn’t worry though as our panel of solicitors always offer to work on no win no fee basis for any claim they handle.

Should they agree to take on your claim, and you’re happy to proceed, you’ll be given a contract to sign. This is called a conditional fee agreement (CFA). This document is important as it shows what success fee you’ll pay if the case is won. It also clearly states that you don’t have to pay the solicitor’s fees if the case is lost.

If the solicitor goes on to win your claim, they deduct their success fee (a percentage of your compensation), then send the rest to you.

A no win no fee service allows more people to claim the compensation they could be due. It reduces the financial risks involved with claiming and therefore the stress related to claims too.

How Fractured Calcaneus Compensation Claims Work

When you begin a claim for a broken calcaneus a solicitor will want to check if you can show:

  • What caused your accident.
  • Who was responsible.
  • The injuries you sustained.
  • And finally, that your claim falls within the 3-year personal injury claims time limit.

To demonstrate these things, you’ll need evidence. Therefore, if you are looking to sue for an accident at work, try to gather the following:

  • Photographs of the scene of the accident. Try to show the root cause if possible.
  • A copy of the accident report from your employer.
  • Witness statements.
  • CCTV footage if the area was within a covered area.
  • Copies of medical records.
  • Photographs of any visible injuries.

When you contact us, our advisors will assess your claim with you. There’s no obligation to proceed and any advice given is free. If we believe your case has sufficient grounds, we could introduce you to one of our panel of personal injury solicitors. If they take on your claim, they will:

  • Work on a no win no fee basis.
  • Provide regular updates.
  • Try to work as efficiently as possible.
  • Try to ensure you receive a full and fair settlement for your injuries.

How Legal Help Could Assist You

Hopefully, you’ve found our advice about fractured calcaneus payouts helpful. If so, we hope you’d like to contact us to begin your own claim today. To do so, you can:

  • Call our advisors on 0333 000 0729 for a no-obligation assessment of your claim.
  • Discuss your claim using our live chat facility.
  • Ask us to call you back. Complete this online claims form to arrange this.

When you contact us, we’ll review your evidence and evaluate whether you have a strong enough case. If you do, we could introduce you to one of our panel of personal injury lawyers. Should they agree to take on your claim, it will be on a no win no fee basis.

Supporting Information

Thanks for taking the time to read our guide on claiming compensation for a fractured calcaneus at work. Here are some more of our guides that you might find useful:

Broken Leg At Work Claims – if you’re injured at work and suffer a broken leg, then this guide could help you make a claim.

Ankle Injury Claims – Advice about when you could make a personal injury claim following an ankle injury.

Manual Handling Claims – A guide which discusses personal injury claims for manual handling injuries.

Trusted External Resources

Finally, here are some more guides and resources which you might find useful:

Heel Injury Pain – An NHS guide explaining what the cause of heel pain might be, including a fractured calcaneus.

Health And Safety At Work Act 1974 – If you’re going to claim for a work injury, this is the legislation that’ll probably be most useful.

Using Crutches – Information from the NHS in Scotland regarding the use of crutches.

Guide by BE

Editor MA.