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Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse Food Allergic Reaction Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For An Allergic Reaction After Eating At Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse

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How Much Could I Claim For A Food Allergy In An Angus Steakhouse?

If you know you are allergic to certain foods, you may have been told to avoid them. This could make eating out a little tricky as you would have to take care to check what ingredients are included within certain dishes. But what would happen if you suffered an allergic reaction after eating at Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse because the allergen information you were given was not correct?

Or what would happen if your reaction was caused by staff ignoring a request for your food to be prepared without an allergen? Or if the dish you ordered was contaminated with allergens from another dish?

In these cases, you might be justified in making a personal injury claim against the restaurant, and this could lead to a settlement that could not only compensate you for the suffering, pain and loss of amenity you’ve experienced due to your reaction but any out of pocket expenses caused by it too.

This guide contains a wealth of useful information about making personal injury claims for allergic reactions. Below, we take a look at the different reactions you could suffer if you’ve had an allergy to Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse foods, along with the treatments that might be required.

We also look at how sufferers could try to avoid an Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse food allergy, and what actions you could take if you believe it was the restaurant’s fault you had an allergic reaction.

You’ll also find information on compensation payouts in allergic reaction claims, and how a personal injury solicitor could support you.

If you’d like to ask us anything about making a claim, or you’d like us to check your case for free or connect you with a No Win No Fee lawyer from our panel, we’re here to support you.

  • You can call our team at any time on 0333 000 0729
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A Guide To Claiming For A Food Allergy In Angus Steakhouse

Whether you’ve had an allergic reaction caused by meat, or have suffered a reaction due to a nut allergy or milk allergy, symptoms of an allergic reaction after eating at Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse could be quite unpleasant.

But could you do anything about your reaction? When would the restaurant be held responsible for an allergic reaction? And how much compensation could you claim if they are? In this guide, we answer these and other common questions about a food allergy triggered in an Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse.

Allergic reaction after eating Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse compensation claim guideTo make a claim for personal injury compensation, you would be required to present a case that proved the restaurant had breached a duty of care they had towards you.

You’d also have to prove that the restaurant’s breach of their duty of care caused you harm in some way.

Not only that, but action would have to be taken before the personal injury claims time limit for your case was reached. This time limit is 3 years from the date of the allergic reaction. A failure to claim within this time could see your case time-barred, meaning you won’t be able to take it further.

Proving such claims could be complicated, which is why many claimants choose to use the services of a personal injury lawyer to help them make their claims. We also provide information on the benefits of using a lawyer, and how to find one to help you later in this guide.

Remember, if you have any queries or would like to begin a claim today, just give our team a call on the number at the top of this page.

What Is An Allergy To A Food?

An allergy to food happens when your body mistakenly recognises it as a threat. If it does so, the immune system responds to such a perceived threat, and this is what could cause symptoms of a food allergy.

Food allergies are different to food intolerances. The latter involve the body’s reaction to amines and histamines contained in specific foods.

What Is A Food Allergy In An Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse?

A food allergy triggered in an Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse is where your body mistakes something in your food as a threat. Reactions could be grouped into two main types: IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated reactions, although some people suffer a mix of the two.

Non-IgE-mediated reactions produce symptoms such as constipation, cramps and vomiting. You could also experience an eczema-like skin rash. Symptoms may take a little time to develop, from hours to days after consuming an allergen, so it may be difficult to pinpoint the cause.

IgE-mediated reactions tend to come on much more quickly and produce symptoms such as a runny nose, headaches, swelling in the throat, mouth, face or body, shortness of breath, wheezing, vomiting or feeling sick, difficulties with swallowing and dizziness.

Unfortunately, some people have severe allergies, and these could lead to serious reactions. Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction that could lead to symptoms such as collapsing and losing consciousness, a rapid heartbeat, anxiety, confusion and a constricted throat. Such a reaction could be life-threatening. If you suffer like this, it should be treated as a medical emergency.

Can You Be Intolerant To Meat?

Some people might have an intolerance to certain types of foods, while others may be allergic to them. If you’re wondering what causes beef intolerance, or a beef allergy, the NHS advises that family history or other allergic conditions may be the cause, but sometimes the cause is not clear.

Red meat allergy symptoms could include a beef allergy rash, or sometimes you might experience red meat allergy diarrhoea or other symptoms as listed above.

If you believe you have an allergy that causes you to suffer uncomfortable symptoms, you might wish to use allergy services in your local area. Doing so could give you access to allergy testing and advice so you could learn what you’re allergic to and avoid it.

How Commonly Do People Have Allergies To Foods?

If you have food allergies and are wondering how common they are, you might be interested to know that according to Allergy UK, approximately 1/5th of the UK’s population has one allergy or more.

Around 7.1% of babies who were breastfed are thought to have a food allergy. Hospitalisation numbers for allergy-based admissions are quite startling too. There has been a 615% increase in anaphylaxis admissions between 1992-2012.

I Told The Steakhouse I Have An Allergy And Need Allergy Free Food

When you visit the steakhouse as an allergy sufferer, you may wish to check with the server what dishes contain allergens that you react to so that you could ensure you avoid an allergic reaction.

If there is a dish in the menu you would really like to order, and it contains an allergen, you might wish to ask the staff whether the dish could be prepared without the allergen you react to, such as:

  • No tomatoes
  • No cheese
  • No nuts
  • No milk
  • No wheat
  • No eggs
  • No fish
  • No oats

If the restaurant is able to prepare your dish without the allergen and agrees to your request, you can safely assume that the dish you will be served an allergen-free dish. If they cannot, however, they should inform you of this, so you could choose something else from the menu.

If the restaurant does agree to your request but you go on to suffer a reaction, it may have arisen because of a failure to relay the amended order to the kitchen, or a failure on the chef’s part to omit the ingredient. Either way, if you go on to suffer a reaction after being told that the restaurant can comply with your request, you could seek legal advice on your situation. Get in touch to learn more.

Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse Still Served My Food Containing This Allergen

If you have ordered a dish with an amendment to it and the staff have confirmed your order, you could be under the assumption that the dish that is served to you would not contain the allergen you’d asked to be left out.

However, if the staff have ignored or forgotten your request, you could suffer an allergic reaction after eating at Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse. In such cases, if you have evidence of this breach in the duty of care owed to you by the restaurant, you could launch a personal injury claim for serving you food that was ‘defective’ and caused you to suffer harm.

A claim could be launched where the following requests have not been adhered to if you’ve suffered an allergic reaction due to the restaurant’s negligence:

  • No tomatoes
  • No cheese
  • No nuts
  • No milk
  • No wheat
  • No eggs
  • No fish
  • No oats

For free legal advice on your situation, please get in touch with our team on the number at the top of this page.

How Negligence Could Lead To You Eating Allergens

There are various ways in which a restaurant’s negligence could lead to you eating allergens and suffering an allergic reaction. The Institute Of Food Science And Technology (IFST) reports that issues could occur in catering settings if good practice is not followed. Incidents of negligence that could lead to a claim could include:

  • Customers not being provided with accurate allergen information upon request
  • Failing to provide accurate allergen information in writing, on the menu, website or on a separate Aberdeen Steakhouse menu for allergies
  • Customer’s requests for amendments to meals to remove an allergen not being followed
  • Good food safety practices not being followed, leading to cross-contamination of food

If you are not sure whether your food allergy in Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse was caused by the restaurant’s negligence, please call our team. We could check your eligibility to claim for free and could connect you with a personal injury lawyer from our panel that could help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Do I Have The Right To Allergy Warning Information And Allergy Free Food?

According to the Consumer Rights Act 2015, you have the right to receive products that are of the nature, substance and quality described. If a product causes you to suffer injury, damage or loss because it was mis-sold or defective, you could make a claim for damages against the seller if you can prove their failings.

In terms of defective food products this could include:

  • Products that have been cross-contaminated with an allergen that you’d advised you were allergic to
  • Items that were advertised as allergen-free when they were not
  • Products that included an allergen you’d specifically asked to be left out

You also have a right to know whether your food contains specific allergens. These are listed in the section below.

Could I Claim For An Illness If I Didn’t Say I Have An Allergy?

If you’ve suffered an allergic reaction after eating at Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse, but you had not informed the restaurant of your allergy, you may still be able to make a claim.

Restaurants have a legal obligation to advise you of the presence of 14 specified allergens. If they do not or fail to provide accurate information when asked, and you have an allergic reaction due to this, you could hold them liable for your reaction.

Do Restaurants Have To Provide Allergy Information?

Restaurants are not legally obliged to provide you with information in writing of every single allergen, but they are required to inform you if any of the foods they serve contain the following allergens:

  • Celery
  • Sulphur dioxide/sulphites
  • Molluscs
  • Mustard
  • Cereals that contain gluten
  • Fish
  • Soybeans
  • Lupin
  • Crustaceans
  • Sesame
  • Milk
  • Peanuts
  • Eggs
  • Tree nuts

Which Foods Might Cause Allergic Reactions?

The Institute Of Food Science And Technology reports that 8 kinds of food are responsible for the majority of allergic reactions. These allergies include:

  • Wheat allergies
  • Egg allergies
  • Milk allergies
  • Soy allergies
  • Peanut allergies
  • Shellfish allergies
  • Tree nut allergies
  • Fish allergies

You might, however, have another type of allergy. People could have a range of food allergies which may include:

  • Sulphur dioxide allergies
  • Celery allergies
  • Dairy allergies
  • Lupin allergies
  • Fruit allergies
  • Gluten allergies
  • Seafood allergies
  • Cereal allergies
  • Mustard allergies

Angus Steakhouse Menu For Allergies

If you want to avoid an allergic reaction after eating at Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse, you may want to take a look at their menu for allergies before you order. Below, we have given some insight into what’s on the menu at the restaurant. While this was correct at the time of posting, we would urge those with food allergies to ensure they carefully check the menu or ask their server to find out what they could eat safely.


  • Bread Basket
  • Soup of the day
  • Chicken Wings
  • Golden Potato Skins
  • Classic Prawn Cocktail
  • Calamari Wings
  • Greek Salad
  • Melted Camembert
  • Garlic Mushrooms
  • Jalapeno Poppers
  • Baked Garlic Bread With Cheese
  • Sticky BBQ Pork Wide Ribs

Starters To Share

  • Steakhouse Platter
  • Ultimate Nachos
  • Seafood Platter
  • Boneless Chicken Breast


  • Rib Eye Steak
  • Pepper Steak
  • Fillet Steak
  • Rump Steak
  • New York Strip
  • Speciality Angus Sliced Steak
  • Sirloin Steak

Sauces & Toppers

  • Green Peppercorn
  • Wild Mushroom
  • Tarragon Bearnaise
  • Red Wine
  • Sticky BBQ
  • Cade de Paris Butter
  • Soppressata
  • Tapenade

Main Course

  • Double Dipped BBQ Wide Pork Ribs
  • Kentucky Wide Pork Ribs
  • BBQ Roast Chicken
  • Chicken Carolina
  • Chicken Alfredo
  • Chicken Skewer
  • Whitby Scampi
  • Grilled Hake
  • Fish & Chips
  • Salmon Fillet
  • Pulled Pork
  • Roast Shoulder Of Lamb
  • Aubergine Lasagne
  • Hasselback Potatoes
  • Beef Salad
  • Chicken Caesar Salad

Food Allergy In Angus Steakhouse Compensation Calculator

A personal injury claims calculator is a tool you may find on some websites that provide you with an estimated compensation calculation for a personal injury claim. However, these tools can only advise very rough estimates.

We recognise that you may wish to get some idea of how much an allergic reaction after eating Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse foods could bring you. Instead of using a calculator to give you such insight, we’ve taken some figures from the Judicial College Guidelines and replicated them in the table below.

If your injury cannot be seen below, please call our friendly advisors for further advice.

Your injuryThe Guidelines’ Compensation BracketRemarks
Injuries causing illness that are non-traumatic£3,710 - £8,950These types of illness could cause significant discomfort, bowel problems and fatigue. While initial symptoms could be quite severe and could last for some weeks, a full recovery would usually be achieved within 1-2 years.
Injuries causing illness that are non-traumatic£36,060 - £49,270These are illnesses that could affect a person’s ability to attend work as normal or to enjoy a normal social life. Symptoms of illnesses in this bracket could include acute levels of pain, as well as fever, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Injuries causing illness that are non-traumatic£8,950 - £18,020Enjoyment of food could be detrimentally affected for a number of years.
Injuries causing illness that are non-traumaticUp to £3,710Pain, diarrhoea and cramps could feature here. Claimants’ symptoms could last from days to a few weeks.

Remember, these figures are just estimates. If you’d like a more precise valuation of your case, get in touch with our team. Once we learn more about it we can hone in on a more accurate figure.

Are There Other Damages Which Could Be Claimed?

We mentioned earlier that it could be possible for you to claim financial losses and out-of-pocket expenses that you’ve incurred as a direct result of your allergic reaction. These might include:

  • Your medical expenses – if you’ve needed to pay for prescriptions, counselling or for other medical treatment, these costs could be covered
  • Your travel expenses – if you’ve incurred costs travelling to medical appointments or meetings with your lawyer, you could be compensated for these
  • Your income losses – if you’ve lost out on some of your usual pay because you’ve needed time off work due to your allergic reaction, you could receive compensation for this
  • Care costs – if a severe reaction has left you in need of care at home, these costs could also be included within a claim

You would be required to provide evidence of such expenses in order to claim for them. Keeping documentary evidence such as payslips, receipts, or bank statements could be vital in ensuring you don’t miss out on any of the compensation you are eligible for.

No Win No Fee Claims For A Food Allergy In Angus Steakhouse

You could go it alone with a claim for an allergic reaction after eating in Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse. However, many claimants prefer to obtain legal support to ensure they don’t miss out on any of the compensation they could be eligible for and to take the legal legwork off their shoulders.

Using a personal injury solicitor to help you claim could be of real benefit to you, and you could do so without having to pay legal fees until your claim had been successfully completed.

The No Win No Fee claims process generally works as follows:

  • You’d sign a Conditional Fee Agreement (the formal title of a No Win No Fee agreement). Your agreement would detail the small success fee that you’d be required to pay your solicitor if they managed to negotiate compensation for you. This fee would be legally capped.
  • Once you had signed the document, the lawyer would begin to work on your claim, gathering evidence and negotiating a compensation settlement with the liable party.
  • If compensation was agreed, your lawyer’s success fee would be deducted from the payout
  • If no compensation was agreed or awarded, you wouldn’t pay the success fee nor any of your lawyer’s costs.

If you’d like to know more about making a No Win No Fee claim, or you’d like to be connected with a lawyer that works in this way, we’d be glad to help.

How To Contact Our Team

Getting help with your claim is easy. To ask us a question about an allergic reaction after eating Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse food, or to be connected with a solicitor from our panel who could help you, simply:

Quick Links

Fast Food Allergy Claims – Fast food restaurant allergy claims are explained here, using a well-known chain as an example.

Allergy Claims FAQ – We’ve answered some common questions about making allergy claims in this guide.

Are You Claiming For Wheat Allergies – If you are, this detailed guide on wheat allergy claims could be very useful.

Court Case Review – Food allergy court cases are explored in this government review.

How Courts Deal With Allergy Claims – You can find some insight into how the courts could deal with an allergy case here.

Guidance On Allergies– You can find some useful guidance on allergy legislation here.

Thank you for reading our guide to claims involving an allergic reaction after eating Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse.


Guide by JJ

Edited by REB