By Lewis Winehouse. Last Updated 28th October 2022. When you’re injured because somebody else was negligent, you could take action against them to claim compensation. This is called a personal injury claim. Commonly, you may hear of people claiming for head injuries, back injuries, whiplash and broken bones. Another injury that is quite common and could lead to a claim is an amputated or partially amputated finger. This type of injury can cause both physical and psychological problems so, in this guide, we’re going to look at partial finger amputation compensation claims.
Explaining How to Claim For The Partial Amputation Of A Finger

If you’ve suffered such an injury due to someone else’s negligence and are thinking of claiming, we are here to help. Our advisors offer free legal advice and will review your case.
You don’t have to go on to claim but if your case is suitable, we could ask a personal injury lawyer from our panel to review it. Should they agree to represent you, they’ll provide a No Win No Fee service.
To discuss how we could help you claim for a finger injury right away, please call on 0333 000 0729. If you would like to learn more before claiming, please continue reading.
Jump To A Section
- A Guide About Partial Finger Amputation Compensation Claims
- What Is The Partial Amputation Of A Finger?
- How Do Partial Finger Amputations Happen?
- Clinical And Medical Negligence Leading To The Partial Loss Of A Finger
- Getting The Right Medical Care
- Are Traumatic Amputations Different To Surgical Amputations?
- Who Is Liable For Your Injury?
- Hands And Finger Amputation Compensation Payouts
- What Else Could I Claim?
- Steps To Take If Your Finger Was Partially Amputated
- Partial Finger Amputation Compensation No Win No Fee Claims
- Contacting Our Helpline
- Useful Links
- FAQs About Claiming For Partial Amputations
A Guide About Partial Finger Amputation Compensation Claims
A partial finger amputation can happen in a variety of ways. If you suffer this type of injury because of somebody else’s negligence, you could be compensated for your suffering. It is possible you could make a road traffic accident claim, accident at work claim, medical negligence claim as well as other types of claim if your injury was not your fault.
In this guide, we are going to attempt to answer some common questions such as:
- How much compensation do you get for an amputated finger?
- What is a partial amputation of a finger?
- How much compensation do you get for a finger injury in the UK?
As we continue, we’ll provide more detailed examples of the types of incidents that could lead to a claim. Proving why you’re eligible for partial finger amputation compensation can be tricky. Therefore, we’ll explain what evidence you could use to help prove what happened. Also, we’ll provide a table of compensation estimates for a range for finger injuries.
If you do decide to claim, you generally have a 3-year time limit. This will typically begin on the date of your accident.
However, if your child has suffered a partial finger amputation, the 3-year time limit won’t apply until their 18th birthday. You could represent them in a claim at any time prior to that date as a litigation friend.
There are also exceptions to the time limit for those who lack the mental capacity to claim. The timeframe is frozen for them unless they recover mental capacity. The 3-year period would begin from the date of recovery. Before this, a litigation friend could claim on their behalf.
If you believe you’ve got a valid claim for partial finger amputation compensation, why not call our advisors for free legal advice today? If your claim is strong enough, a specialist solicitor from our panel could represent you on a No Win No Fee basis.
What Is The Partial Amputation Of A Finger?
When talking about partial finger amputation compensation, we are talking about injuries where:
- You were owed a duty of care by the defendant; and
- They breached that duty and caused an accident; and
- Your finger or fingers were partially amputated as a consequence.
Importantly, there are two types of amputation. A traumatic amputation means your finger will be severed at the scene of the accident. Surgical amputations may be required if your injuries are too severe to treat.
How Do Partial Finger Amputations Happen?
Several scenarios could lead to a partially amputated finger. We’ll provide some examples here but don’t worry if your accident isn’t listed, we could still help you to claim. The examples include:
- Where your hands smash through a glass window after you’ve fallen over a trip hazard.
- If your fingers are trapped following a road traffic collision.
- Where your finger is partially severed because of a faulty machine at work.
- Where medical negligence means that your finger injury gets worse and therefore needs amputating.
In any type of accident where your finger is crushed or cut, you could be eligible for partial finger amputation compensation if the incident was somebody else’s fault. Therefore, why not call today to see if we could help you start the claims process?
Clinical And Medical Negligence Leading To The Partial Loss Of A Finger
While most illnesses and injuries are treated successfully by medical professionals, mistakes can and do happen from time to time. When they do, you may be entitled to compensation if the mistake constituted medical negligence and caused you to suffer unecessarily.
Some examples of medical negligence that might result in partial finger amputation compensation include:
- If your finger needs to be amputated because a condition got worse because of a negligent misdiagnosis.
- Where a surgeon makes a negligent mistake that worsens a finger injury.
- Where your finger injury wasn’t X-rayed (despite clear indications it needed it) and, as a result, got worse and meant part of your finger had to be amputated.
- A surgeon amputates the wrong finger despite having the correct information prior to the surgery.
If you are considering a medical negligence claim against the NHS or a private clinic, please call us for free legal advice today.
Getting The Right Medical Care
If you witness a partial finger amputation, it is important that the victim is treated by medical professionals quickly. Therefore, you should attend A&E immediately.
Whilst waiting for treatment, it’s important to try and protect the wound and the victim. Therefore, the emergency operator may advise you to try and stop any bleeding, elevate the wound and wrap it in a bandage or sterile dressing until it can be treated properly.
It is also important to keep an eye out for the signs of shock. According to the NHS, these include where the patient:
- Faints (loses consciousness).
- Feels lightheaded or very dizzy.
- Has cold, pale, clammy skin.
If you suspect the patient is in shock, you should seek advice from the emergency operator.
Are Traumatic Amputations Different To Surgical Amputations?
Where a body part like the end of a finger is detached from the body during an accident, it is called a traumatic amputation. It is sometimes possible for the part to be reattached. According to the NHS, if part of your finger is severed, it should be placed into a plastic bag or piece of clingfilm then wrapped in soft fabric and placed in a container of crushed ice and taken with you to the hospital. It should not be washed or sterilised at all.
The main risks associated with traumatic amputations are shock, infection and bleeding. It is therefore important to get professional medical treatment for any such injury.
Surgical amputations are generally planned as part of a patient’s medical treatment. For example, if an infection has spread to a limb and cannot be treated, the only way to save the patient’s life may be to remove the limb either partially or completely.
Who Is Liable For Your Injury?
As we mentioned earlier, to win a partial finger amputation compensation claim, you’ll need to establish that the defendant owed you a duty of care. This is something that generally comes from various pieces of legislation.
We’ve explained what laws apply in different types of claims below:
Road Traffic Accidents.
Due to the Road Traffic Act 1988, all road users have a duty of care to try and take preventative steps to stop accidents from happening. Essentially, they should use the roads with the required care and skill. That can mean you may be eligible to claim if you’re injured in a road traffic accident caused by another driver who was careless or driving dangerously.
Accidents At Work
Employers have a legal duty of care to try and protect staff while in the workplace. This comes from the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1998. As a result, you could claim for finger injuries caused by poorly maintained machinery, inadequate protective equipment or a lack of safety training.
Slips and Falls
You might think that slips, trips or falls in public places (such as on the high street, in a shop or at the gym) are an occurrence you just have to bear. However, if the accident was caused by negligence, any injuries could be claimed for. The Highways Act 1980 or the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 may be used to establish a duty of care in these cases.
Medical Negligence
Once a medical professional takes on the responsibility to treat or care for a patient, a duty of care is assumed. This means they need to act according to professional standards, use the correct procedures and inform the patient of any risks. Any negligence that causes the patient to suffer avoidable and unnecessary harm could result in a compensation claim.
Hands And Finger Amputation Compensation Payouts
If you wish to make a claim for a finger amputation claim, or even a hand amputation claim, the value of your compensation depends on more than one factor. The amount that you are awarded in line with your level of pain and suffering is called general damages, the worth of which is dependent on the severity and effects of your injuries.
For instance, an injury involving the loss of multiple fingers will typically be worth more than if only a single digit sustains an injury. Additionally, an amputation compensation claim can also be affected by whether or not the hand was your dominant one – or if the finger(s) you lost came from your dominant hand.
The figures in the table below have been taken from a publication called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a publication (updated in 2022) that legal professionals use during the process of working out the value of your general damages.
Type Of Injury | Severity | Settlement Bracket | Extra information. |
Finger Injuries | (i) | £12,170 to £18,740 | Total or partial loss of the index finger. |
Fracture (j) | £9,110 to £12,240 | A fractured index finger that heals swiftly but where reduced grip and pain persist. Osteoarthritis is also more likely in the future as a result. | |
Serious (k) | £10,320 to £16,340 | Serious fractures and other injuries affecting the middle or ring fingers. | |
Loss (l) | £3,950 to £7,870 | Loss of the terminal phalanx of the middle or ring fingers. | |
Amputation (m) | £8,640 to £12,240 | Complete amputation of the little finger. | |
Amputation (p) | In the region on £24,990 | Loss of the terminal phalanx of the middle and index fingers. | |
Loss (q) | £35,520 to £54,830 | The total loss of the thumb. | |
Hand injuries | Loss (a) | £140,660 to £201,490 | Complete or effective loss of both hands. |
Serious (b) | £55,820 to £84,570 | Severe damage to the hands. | |
Loss (c) | £96,160 to £109,650 | Complete or effective loss of one hand. | |
(d) | £61,910 to £90,750 | The middle and index and/or ring fingers are completely amputated. | |
Serious (e) | £29,000 to £61,910 | Several finger amputations with rejoining but the claimant has 50% hand capacity. | |
Severe Fractures (f) | Up to £36,740 | Where broken fingers (that might cause partial amputation) lead to deformity, impaired grip and less function. | |
Less Serious (g) | £14,450 to £29,000 | Examples in this category include severe finger crush injuries. | |
Moderate (h) | £5,720 to £13,280 | Covers crush injuries, penetrating wounds and lacerations. |
Keep in mind that these figures have not taken into account your specific circumstances, so the amount that you receive is likely to vary from what is shown below. Get in touch with us today and we can give you a more accurate valuation of your amputation compensation.
What Else Could I Claim?
When making partial finger amputation compensation claims, it’s important to think about any financial impact the injuries have had. If you have sustained costs, expenses or monetary losses, you could ask for them back in a special damages claim.
Every claim will differ so your solicitor will assess what could be included when you speak with them. The potential claimable financial losses of special damages include:
- Lost income. To cover any reduction in your income sustained because of your injuries. This could result from taking time off to recover or for medical appointments.
- Care costs. If a friend, loved one or relative supported you while you were recovering, you could claim back an hourly rate for their time.
- Medical expenses. Usually, you’ll be treated for free by the NHS. However, if your rehabilitation would benefit from private treatment because the NHS can’t cover it, you could ask the defendant to pay.
- Travel costs. When you attend medical appointments, for instance, you might rack up fuel costs, parking fees or public transport fares. Therefore, these costs might be added to your claim.
- Future loss of earnings. If you’re partially amputated finger means you can’t work in the same role or at the same level in the future, you could claim if it will affect your earnings for the long term. This part of your claim would take your age, salary and job prospects into account.
- Personal property damage. You could also claim for the cost of replacing items damaged during your accident. Therefore, you could claim for a smashed mobile phone, torn clothes or broken jewellery for example.
To check what you might be able to claim back as a result of your injuries, please call our advisors today.
Steps To Take If Your Finger Was Partially Amputated
When seeking damages, you’ll need evidence to prove what injuries you’ve sustained and how they were caused. To help with this process, you could:
- Take photographs. At the accident scene, where possible, you should take photographs and try to capture the cause of your injuries. Ideally, this should be done right away. Therefore, if your injuries prevent you from doing this yourself, ask somebody else to do so.
- Report the accident. In many situations, an accident report will need to be filed. This is true for accidents at work and those in some public places or business premises. A copy of the report could make it difficult for the defendant to deny the accident happened.
- Get treatment. For a partial finger amputation, you should always seek immediate professional medical help. As well as getting your injuries treated properly, this will mean your medical records will be useful in proving the extent of your injuries.
- Ask for witnesses details. If anybody else was present, make a note of their contact details. If the defendant doesn’t admit liability for the accident, a witness report could help to prove your version of events.
- Obtain CCTV or dashcam footage. Any device that recorded your accident could provide vital evidence to show what happened. Therefore, try to obtain copies of any recordings before they are deleted.
By taking these measures, you could make it much easier to prove your case. We will happily review any evidence that you have to check if you have the grounds to claim compensation.
Partial Finger Amputation Compensation No Win No Fee Claims
There’s no doubt that the thought of losing money on a solicitor’s fees upfront might put you off from claiming. We understand that and it’s the reason our panel of personal injury solicitors provide a No Win No Fee service. As a result, you may find claiming less stressful as you’ll know you won’t pay your solicitor if they don’t win compensation for you.
To begin the claims process, a solicitor will check over your case with you. Should they agree to take you on as a client, they’ll send a contract named a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). It’s also known as a No Win No Fee agreement.
This is one type of contract used by No Win No Fee solicitors. It sets out all of the criteria that must be met before you will need to pay for your solicitor’s work.
Should the claim have a positive outcome, the CFA will explain that you’ll pay a success fee. This is a small, agreed percentage of your compensation. It does not need to be paid if the case fails. They’re also capped by law.
If you’d like to check whether a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel could support you, please call today.
Contacting Our Helpline
Hopefully, this article on partial finger amputation compensation claims has helped. If you would like to discuss your chances of being compensated, you can:
- Call our specialist advisors on 0333 000 0729.
- Send an email to explain your claim to [email protected].
- Ask an online advisor about your options via live chat.
- Contact us online to arrange a callback.
If you do contact us, we’ll review your personal injury claim with you. There is no obligation to proceed but we’ll give free legal advice about your options. If the claim appears to be viable, we could pass it to a personal injury lawyer on our panel. If they accept your case, they will work for you on a No Win No Fee basis.
Useful Links
Here are some resources and guides that you may find helpful if you’re thinking about claiming partial finger amputation compensation.
Hand Injury Claims – Another of our guides where we explain when you could claim compensation for a hand injury.
Defective Work Equipment – This guide might prove useful if you’ve lost part of your finger because of faulty work equipment.
Nerve Injuries – Advice on how to claim if you’ve suffered nerve damage in an accident caused by somebody else.
Broken Fingers – This NHS article explains the symptoms and treatment of broken fingers and thumbs.
Reportable Injuries – A list from the Health and Safety Executive detailing the types of workplace injuries that must be reported (including amputations).
Amputee Support Groups – A list of user groups to help those affected by amputations.
FAQs About Claiming For Partial Amputations
To provide extra information about partial finger amputation claims, we’ve answered some FAQs below.
How much compensation do you get for a finger injury in the UK?
To work out how much partial finger amputation compensation you could be entitled to, a solicitor would refer to the Judicial College Guidelines.
In the latest version at the time of posting, compensation for the partial or total loss of the index finger could be awarded up to just over £17,000. Where the terminal phalanx of the middle or ring finger is lost, the settlement amount could be up to just over £7,000.
However, this doesn’t include what you could receive for financial losses caused by the injury.
Amputated Finger – Claim Time Limits
When seeking a finger amputation payout, you must generally begin your claim within three years of the date that the accident occurred, as outlined in the Limitation Act 1980.
The limitation period may be extended or suspended in some circumstances. For example, if a child suffers an amputated finger due to negligence, the time limit would be frozen. Another example could be if someone lacking the mental capacity to claim experiences a partial finger amputation injury. The time limit would be similarly suspended.
What is a partial amputation of a finger?
Your fingers consist of a number of bones. The outer 3 are the distal, middle and proximal phalanx bones. Following an accident, a partial finger amputation could mean that you’ve lost the distal phalanx or the distal and middle phalanx bones but the rest of the finger remains.
You have reached the end of our article on partial finger amputation compensation claims. If you require any extra information, please get in touch.
Written by BH
Edited by RV