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A Guide To Compensation Claims Against A Council

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By Stephen Bishop. Last Updated 27th January 2025. Compensation claims against the council can be made in a variety of different circumstances. A given council, depending on the type of council, will have responsibilities for local matters such as road maintenance, health and social care and housing. In this guide we look when you could sue the council for failing to uphold their duty of care.

You’ll see information on the eligibility criteria, the laws governing council obligations and how you can prove that the council’s action caused your injuries. We have also provided an explanation of how council compensation payouts are calculated under the two heads of loss.

At the bottom of the guide, we have provided a short explanation of how our panel of expert personal injury solicitors could help you get compensation, and what benefits starting your claim under the specific No Win No Fe contract they can offer will bring.

To find out more about suing the council, or for a free assessment of your eligibility, talk to our team today using the contact information provided here:

  • Call us on 0333 000 0729
  • Complete our online enquiry form, and a member of the team will be in touch.
  • Open the live chat window on your screen now.

A close up shot of someone sitting on a bench holding their knee in pain.

Jump to a Section

  1. Eligibility Criteria For Compensation Claims Against A Council
  2. What Evidence Do You Need To Make Compensation Claims Against The Council?
  3. Claims Against Local Authorities – Time Limits
  4. Compensation For Claims Against The Council
  5. Suing The Council With A No Win No Fee Solicitor
  6. Contact Legal Helpline today for free advice
  7. Useful Links

Eligibility Criteria For Compensation Claims Against A Council

When you are in public spaces, including council property, the controller of the space or the occupier owes you a duty of care.

This means that in council-controlled spaces, they should ensure your reasonable safety while you are on their property per the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. Council-controlled spaces could include parks, roads, libraries, and other public spaces.

However, compensation claims against the council must satisfy specific eligibility criteria. This means that in order to bring forward a personal injury claim against the council, you will need to demonstrate the following:

  1. The council owed you a duty of care.
  2. There was a breach of this duty.
  3. Your injuries were caused by a breach of this duty. These injuries could be physical, mental or both.

If you would like to discuss the incident that resulted in your injuries and find out if you are eligible to make a claim against the council, get in touch with a member of our advisory team.

A close up shot of someone standing on snow and ice.

What Evidence Do You Need To Make Compensation Claims Against The Council?

You may be wondering how to sue a council for injuries and what proof you need to provide to support a claim. You will need to submit evidence that proves that a council breached the duty of care they owed you and this caused your injuries.

Evidence that could be helpful in compensation claims against a council includes:

  • Witness contact details – If anyone saw the accident on council property that hurt you, then you could potentially note their contact details so they can provide a statement later to support your case.
  • Medical records – Your medical records can confirm the injuries you’ve received treatment for due to your accident on council property. Additionally, you may be invited to an independent medical assessment. This can provide more information on the severity of your injuries and what impact it is expected to have on your life.
  • Footage of your accident For example, if CCTV footage showing your accident is available, then this could be included as evidence.
  • Photographs from the accident scene – For example, if broken pavement caused you to suffer an injury in a slip, trip or fall accident, then you could photograph this pavement as well as visible symptoms of your injuries.

For more advice on suing the council for injuries and what evidence could support your council compensation claim, please call our advisors for free today.

Someone sat on the ground holding their leg in pain.

Claims Against Local Authorities – Time Limits

In order to claim any kind of council compensation payouts in the UK, it’s important that you start your claim within the relevant time limit. Generally, when you’re making a personal injury claim, you will need to start proceedings within three years of the accident. This is set out in the Limitation Act 1980. 

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you were injured while under the age of eighteen, you’ll have three years from your eighteenth birthday to make a claim. This is because minors cannot claim for themselves. However, a litigation friend can claim on your behalf at any time up until you turn 18.

For those that lack the mental capacity to make their own claim, the time limit is suspended. A litigation friend can make a claim on their behalf at any time during this suspension. If the person recovers the needed capacity, then the three-year time limit is reinstated on the date of their recovery.

To find out if you are within the right time limit, contact our team of helpful advisors today. Or, read on to find out more about making a compensation claim.

A lose paving stone.

Compensation For Claims Against The Council

If you are successful in suing the council for injuries you’ve suffered, then the compensation you receive will include general damages. The pain and suffering you’ve experienced due to your injuries will be compensated under this heading.

Those who value council compensation payouts for general damages may check the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) for help. This document includes guideline compensation brackets for a wide range of physical and psychological injuries. You can view some of the JCG figures for certain injuries in the table below. Please note that the table is for guidance only, and the first entry is not based on the JCG.

Injury TypeSeverityDescriptionGuideline Amount
Multiple Serious Injuries and Special DamagesVery SeriousSettlements may include compensation for multiple severe injuries and incurred costs, including lost wages and healthcare expenses.Up to £500,000+
Back InjurySevere (i)Damage to the nerve roots or spinal cord which result in severe consequences. £111,150 to £196,450
Foot InjurySevereFractures to both heels or feet causing permanent pain and a significant restriction on mobility.£51,220 to £85,460
Ankle InjuryVery SevereA transmalleolar fracture of the ankle with soft-tissue damage that is extensive. This results in a deformity and may require the leg to be amputated in the future.£61,090 to £85,070
Wrist InjuryComplete Loss of FunctionThe wrist completely looses its function, e.g. due to an arthrodesis being performed.£58,710 to £73,050
Wrist InjuryLess Severe InjuriesThere is some degree of permanent disability like continuous pain and stiffness.£15,370 to £29,900
Shoulder InjurySevereThis injury often involves damage to the brachial plexus and could cause serious arm and neck symptoms.£23,430 to £58,610
Injury to the Pelvis and/or HipsModerate (i)Significant hip or pelvis injury that does not create any major permanent disability.£32,450 to £47,810
Neck InjuryModerate (i)Dislocations and fractures that cause immediate symptoms that are severe in nature.£30,500 to £46,970
Neck InjuryModerate (iii)Injuries that have exacerbated a pre-existing condition by less than five years.£9,630 to £16,770
Hand InjuryModerateThere could be deep wounds, crush injuries or deep cuts and lacerations.£6,910 to £16,200

Suing The Council – Can I Claim Special Damages?

When claiming personal injury compensation from a council, your payout may potentially also include special damages. This can cover financial losses or expenses which are directly related to the injuries you’re claiming for. We have provided some possible costs that could be reimbursed as part of your claim here:

  • Loss of earnings if you’ve taken unpaid time off work to recover from your injuries.
  • The cost of home care or home adaptations that may have been required during your recovery.
  • Travel costs paid towards attending medical appointments. Examples may include taxi fares or bus tickets.

To claim special damages, you will need to provide certain documents as evidence, such as wage slips, receipts or bank statements.

Contact our team of advisors for free today if you would like to ask questions about council compensation payouts in the UK or if you have other related questions such as how to sue the council when you have a valid case.

Suing The Council With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

After learning about the possible council compensation payouts, your next question may be regarding the costs of making a claim. However, if you have an eligible claim, you could seek compensation with one of the No Win No Fee solicitors from our panel.

Your solicitor will offer to work under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This means you won’t have to pay any upfront or ongoing fees for their services. They won’t charge you for their services if your case is unsuccessful. If you receive compensation, your solicitor will deduct a percentage as the success fee. There is a cap on this percentage to allow you to retain the maximum amount.

For more information on compensation claims against the council, contact our advisors:

A client asking a solicitor about compensation claims against a council.

Useful Links

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