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Zebra Crossing Accident Compensation Claims Guide

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Zebra crossings are easily recognisable due to their distinctive white stripes, and pedestrians should expect to cross them safely. If you haven’t had this experience and were instead hurt in a zebra crossing accident due to an unsafe driver, you may be able to seek compensation.

Our guide covers the eligibility requirements for a road traffic accident claim so you can determine whether you have a valid case. We also provide you with different examples of zebra crossing accidents to help you gain a clearer idea of whether you may be able to claim compensation.

A minor under 18 years old cannot claim for themselves, so we explain what to do if a child has been affected. There is also a slightly different way of claiming in the event of a hit and run, which we also review.

In addition to describing what a compensation payout can cover, our guide shows you how our panel’s personal injury solicitors help people get the best possible settlement on a No Win No Fee basis.

You can talk to our advisors about your crossing accident and learn if you can claim compensation, all for no charge. Choose any of these options to get started:

  • Call 0333 000 0729
  • Go online to contact us and request a call.
  • Use our live chat service by opening the tab below.

People walking across a zebra crossing.

Select A Section

  1. Can You Claim For A Zebra Crossing Accident?
  2. Causes Of Accidents At Zebra Crossings
  3. Can You Claim If A Child Was Hit By A Vehicle?
  4. I Was Involved In A Hit And Run Accident, Can I Still Claim?
  5. What Evidence Do I Need To Claim For A Pedestrian Accident?
  6. How Much Compensation For Being Hit On A Zebra Crossing?
  7. Get Help From A No Win No Fee Solicitor With A Zebra Crossing Accident Claim

Can You Claim For A Zebra Crossing Accident?

If you’ve been hurt in a zebra crossing accident involving a bike or vehicle driver, you may be wondering whether you could claim compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered.

Road users are legally obliged to use the roads in a way that keeps themselves and everyone else safe from harm. They can uphold this legal duty of care by following laws and guidance from the Road Traffic Act 1988 (RTA) and the Highway Code.

Therefore, you could have the right to make a zebra crossing injury claim if:

  • A road user owed a duty of care.
  • They breached this duty.
  • It led to an accident that caused physical and/or mental harm.

These criteria make up the definition of negligence in a personal injury claim. You must be able to establish negligence in order to make a claim for compensation.

Can A Pedestrian Be At Fault For An Accident?

Rule 19 of the Highway Code states that pedestrians must wait for traffic to stop from both directions or wait until the road is clear before they start crossing at a zebra crossing. It also states that drivers are not obligated to stop at a zebra crossing until a pedestrian has moved onto it and must give way to them once they are actively crossing. Additionally, they should give way to pedestrians waiting to use a zebra crossing.

A pedestrian could potentially be at fault for an accident at a crossing if they failed to check a road was clear before using the crossing, for example.

Even if you were partly at fault, you could still make a split liability claim if the driver involved breached their duty of care as well. Call today if you’d like to know how road traffic accidents work when both parties are at fault.

Causes Of Accidents At Zebra Crossings

These examples of zebra crossing accidents focus on scenarios where the motorist is at fault. A collision that causes harm in one of these situations could lead the affected pedestrian to make a zebra crossing accident claim.

  • A collision is caused by a driver failing to stop at the crossing because they were looking at their phone. This causes the pedestrian to suffer a serious head injury.
  • A drunk driver used the road while under the influence and struck a crossing pedestrian. This causes the pedestrian to suffer multiple injuries, including a broken leg and serious back injury.
  • A pedestrian is injured whilst crossing because a taxi driver exceeds the speed limit, despite the legal speed limit being clearly displayed on a road sign, meaning they were unable to come to a stop in time. The pedestrian then suffers a dislocated shoulder injury.

A car driver looking at their phone. A pedestrian can be seen through the car window.


Pedestrian Accident Statistics

People walking on pavements and across roads unfortunately bear the brunt of many road traffic accidents. According to provisional government figures, 19,235 pedestrians were involved in an accident from July 2022 to June 2023. The fact that these official statistics only cover reported incidents means that the true number could be even higher.

The 19,235 figure works out as an average of more than 50 pedestrians being struck every day. Furthermore, government data suggests that just under 5,000 pedestrian casualties in the year ending 2023 involved children under the age of 16.

Call the number at the top of this page to discuss claiming for an accident at a pedestrian and learn if you could make a road traffic accident claim if you were injured while using a zebra crossing.

Can You Claim If A Child Was Hit By A Vehicle?

If your child is struck by an oncoming vehicle while on a pedestrian crossing, then naturally the priority is making sure they get medical treatment and can get back to their normal life as soon as possible. You may also want to know what options they have with respect to zebra crossing accident compensation.

Minors under the age of 18 cannot start personal injury claims by themselves. However, the court can appoint a trusted adult as a litigation friend to represent them.

The Limitation Act 1980 states that the general time limit for starting a personal injury claim is up to three years from the date the accident occurred. This three-year time limit only starts for minors once they turn 18 and if legal action hasn’t already been undertaken by a litigation friend.

Our panel’s solicitors can offer expert professional guidance on child accident claims. If you’re thinking about claiming on behalf of a child, call today to discuss your options. Our friendly team of advisors can also discuss the other exceptions that apply to the personal injury claims time limit.

I Was Involved In A Hit And Run Accident, Can I Still Claim?

Drivers are required under Section 170 of the RTA 1988 to stop and exchange information at the accident scene if someone other than themselves is injured or property is damaged. But in rare cases, a driver might not have the courtesy to stop.

An alternative route exists for a pedestrian wishing to make a compensation claim that were struck by a hit-and-run driver. The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) can award compensation to those affected by uninsured or untraceable drivers. Additionally, they work with the police, motor insurance companies and the DVLA to reduce the number of untraceable and uninsured drivers on the road.

To be able to make a claim through the MIB, you will still need to meet the personal injury eligibility requirements we listed above.

Call our free helpline for further information on Motor Insurers’ Bureau claims and how a solicitor could help you claim for injuries caused by a hit-and-run.

A pedestrian looking at an elbow injury suffered in a zebra crossing accident.

What Evidence Do I Need To Claim For A Pedestrian Accident?

Relevant evidence will be needed to prove liability and the severity of your injuries when claiming for a zebra crossing accident. Among the forms of proof you could present are:

  • Footage of the accident occurring. A driver may capture the incident on their dashcam, or you could see if CCTV footage is available.
  • Images of the accident scene and any visible injuries.
  • A police report, if the police attend the scene.
  • Contact details of any other pedestrians waiting at the zebra crossing who could act as a witness.
  • Your medical records that detail the types of injuries you suffered and the treatment you received for them.

If you work with a solicitor from our panel, you can instruct them to help you collect evidence. Just call today if you want to know more about the evidence you could collect following a zebra crossing accident and how a solicitor could help.

How Much Compensation For Being Hit On A Zebra Crossing?

The payout for road traffic accident claims will vary from case to case. Compensation can be awarded for one or two types of damage, referred to during the claims process as a heads of loss.

The primary head is known as general damages. This aims to account for physical harm and psychological damage caused by injuries suffered in an accident.

Those figuring out how much compensation is awarded for pedestrian crossing accidents could reach a figure using medical evidence. They might also refer to guideline compensation brackets found in a document called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG).

The table we have compiled below features guideline brackets from the JCG.

JCG Table

As we have mentioned, payouts vary, so this table exists as an alternative to a compensation calculator or as a general guide. All lines except the top one come from JCG figures.

Multiple Severe Injuries And Numerous ExpensesSevereUp to £1,000,000+A payout for multiple serious injuries and financial losses including missed earnings or medical fees.
HeadVery Severe£344,150 to £493,000Severe brain damage leaves the affected person in need of full-time nursing care. The degree of insight is one factor that decides the award.
Moderate (ii)£110,720 to £183,190A moderate to modest intellectual deficit and some risk of epilepsy.
ParalysisParaplegia£267,340 to £346,890Factors affecting the payout include the extent of pain and the degree of independence.
LegSevere (ii) Very Serious£66,920 to £109,290Injuries causing permanent mobility issues.
Severe (i) Moderate£33,880 to £47,840Limited joint movement and unsightly scarring are among contributory factors to the award.
BackSevere (iii)£47,320 to £85,100Disc lesions, fractures of discs or soft tissue injuries leading to chronic conditions.
HandSerious£35,390 to £75,550Injuries that can, for example, reduce the hand to around half capacity.
ElbowSeverely Disabling£47,810 to £66,920Elbow injuries that are severely disabling.
ArmLess Severe Injuries£23,430 to £47,810There have been significant disabilities but a substantial recovery happened or is expected.

Can I Be Compensated For Financial Losses?

A second head of loss, called special damages, could also form part of your payout. Under this head, you could claim compensation for any financial losses your injuries caused you to experience. You would need documents, such as payslips or receipts, to show that injuries led to financial loss. For example, under special damages you may be able to claim compensation for:

  • Unavoidable medical expenses.
  • Travel costs.
  • The cost of necessary home adaptation.
  • A loss of earnings if you cannot work while injured.

You can get more information on the compensation you could receive for an accident at a zebra crossing by calling our free helpline.

Two piles of coins sat next to a calculator.

Get Help From A No Win No Fee Solicitor With A Zebra Crossing Accident Claim

Our panel of solicitors are experts in handling zebra crossing accident claims and could help you seek compensation if you have a valid case. They offer their services under a Conditional Fee Agreement, which is a type of No Win No Fee deal.

When claiming with a solicitor under such an arrangement, you wouldn’t pay legal fees for their work:

  • Upfront.
  • During the case.
  • If the claim fails.

You would be awarded compensation after a successful claim. In that case, the solicitor would take a success fee. This fee is a small percentage of the compensation that is subjected to a legal cap.

Just contact us today for any help you need, whether you have questions about claims for accidents at pedestrian crossings or want to learn if a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel could take on your case. You can contact our team by any of the following methods:

Further Information On Road Traffic Accident Claims

Find more of our road traffic accident claims guides here:

For further information:

We hope this guide to claims for road traffic accidents has helped. If you have had a zebra crossing accident and believe you could claim personal injury compensation, call today for dedicated support.