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How To Make A Personal Injury Claim For An Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle/Driver?

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By Olivia Warburton. Last updated 24th February 2021. Welcome to our guide to making a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle.

You can claim compensation for being in a road traffic accident with another vehicle if you suffered injuries and you can provide proof that the incident was not your fault. You can still do the same even if the vehicle and its driver are foreign and registered to drive in another country. Even though it may add a few more layers to the process, you could still be entitled to compensation. Legal Helpline can help you to claim that compensation.

This guide will outline how a case for compensation against a foreign registered vehicle works and how our team of personal injury solicitors can help you seek compensation.

Jump To A Section

  1. A Guide To Claims For Accidents Involving A Foreign Vehicle
  2. What Is An Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle?
  3. Statistics – Road Traffic Accidents In The UK
  4. How Does The International Green Card System Work?
  5. Claims Against Foreign Drivers Via The Motor Insurers’ Bureau
  6. Types Of Accident Involving Foreign Vehicles
  7. Accidents Involving Uninsured Or Untraced Drivers
  8. Work Vehicle Accidents Involving Foreign Drivers
  9. Whiplash Claims Against Foreign Drivers Or Vehicles
  10. Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle Compensation Calculator
  11. Special Damages Claimable After A Foreign Vehicle Accident
  12. Steps To Take If Injured In An Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle
  13. Why Choose Legal Helpline For Your Claim?
  14. No Win, No Fee Foreign Vehicle Car Accident
  15. Start A Foreign Vehicle Car Accident Claim
  16. Resources For Road Accident Victims

A Guide To Claims For Accidents Involving A Foreign Vehicle

You might be worried that if you have had an accident on the road abroad, or you have had an accident in the UK involving a driver with a foreign registered vehicle that it may be an obstacle getting the compensation you need and deserve. This article shall dispel those concerns. The key point to take away is that your rights to claim and receive compensation for being injured in a car accident are not affected by the driver not being insured in the UK. We’ll explain why this is the case concerning the Motor Insurance Bureau and the green card system.

We will also answer other questions you might have, like how your compensation will be calculated and how you could find a way to claim without having to pay costs upfront for legal fees. We have also included several links to other pages on our site and resources on other websites which you can find helpful.

As well as reading this guide, you may also want to read our general guide to road traffic accident claims here.

What Is An Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle?

If you’re interested in making a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle, you’ll need to learn more about the rules in place.

Road traffic accidents can sometimes occur with a driver and a vehicle who are not from the UK, where the driver’s insurance and the vehicle’s registration are not registered with the UK’s authorities or insurance companies.

This can occur when you are driving abroad or could occur in the UK if you have a collision with a foreign driver. This may cause some additional complexity to the process of claiming compensation, but measures are in place to ensure that you are still entitled to claim.

Statistics – Road Traffic Accidents In The UK

Around the world, around a million and a half people die every year as a result of road traffic accidents. This amounts to roughly 3,700 people every day. Car accidents are among the leading causes of death among people aged 15-29. Car accident fatalities are also much more common in poorer countries than in rich countries, despite these countries having fewer cars on the road.

The UK is one of the safer countries to drive in. That being said the number of fatalities and casualties on British roads is still sobering. In 2018, 160,597 casualties of all severities were reported as a result of car accidents in the UK. 25,511 serious injuries were reported to the police as a result of car accidents in the same year. 1,784 people died as a result of road traffic accidents. As bad as these numbers sound, however, they represent a trend in the reduction of deaths and injuries as a result of car accidents in the UK. You can see the source of these statistics yourself in this official government report.

How Does The International Green Card System Work?

To facilitate the movement of vehicles between countries and to prevent difficulty in providing insurance when drivers enter countries where different vehicle registration laws may apply, there exists the green card system. A green card is a document issued to drivers by their insurance companies to prove that their insurance meets the minimum requirements of the country they are entering. If the foreign driver you had a collision with has a green card, it will mean they are insured and you can seek compensation from their insurance.

As things currently stand at the time of writing, UK drivers need to have a green card when driving in EU countries. This was a change introduced after December 31st 2020, following the agreement reached between the UK regarding their relationship with the EU after Brexit. You can find more information about how green cards and driving abroad works here.

Claims Against Foreign Drivers Via The Motor Insurers’ Bureau

If the foreign driver has proof of insurance or a green card, a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle could be made to their insurance company. If their insurance company has an agent covering these issues in the UK, then the claim can be directed at them. Not all insurance companies will operate in the UK in this fashion. If the insurance company which the foreign driver was registered with does not operate in the UK in this way, then you will have to contact the Motor Insurance Bureau to have them take up your claim.

You can get some more information about how the Motor Insurance Bureau can take up a claim against a foreign driveron their website here. Our team of personal injury claim experts will also be more than happy to assist you by clearing anything up which you find confusing.

Types Of Accident Involving Foreign Vehicles

Foreign vehicles and drivers can cause road traffic accidents for the same reasons as British drivers. Some of the common reasons for road traffic accidents include:

  • Going over the speed limit
  • Driving too quickly around a roundabout
  • Looking at a mobile phone
  • The influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Roads in an unsafe condition due to ice, debris or poor road lighting
  • Mechanical faults
  • Pulling out of a side road without indicating
  • Merging lanes without indicating
  • Not allowing adequate space between drivers

Accidents Involving Uninsured Or Untraced Drivers

In normal circumstances when a driver is insured, their insurer will cover the cost of the claimant’s compensation. This will not be possible in situations where the driver does not have an insurance policy or where the driver cannot be identified. You can still receive compensation in situations like these, but it will work somewhat differently to a normal compensation claim.

When compensation cannot be taken from the other party’s insurance policy, the claim will go to the Motor Insurance Bureau. This national organization will source the compensation for you to ensure that you don’t lose out on money you might be entitled to just because another driver is uninsured or flees the scene of an accident.

Work Vehicle Accidents Involving Foreign Drivers

You could be entitled to claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle if the incident took place while you were working or driving a work vehicle. This can be done if you were driving while working abroad or if you were hit by a foreign driver in the UK. In some cases, your employer could be considered either fully or partially responsible for such an accident and therefore liable for paying possibly some or all of your compensation.

There are several ways in which your employer could have liability for a compensation claim. They may have caused or contributed to the accident by providing you with a work vehicle that was unsafe to drive because of mechanical issues, such as worn-out tires, faulty lights or faulty brakes. They may have asked you to drive a vehicle you were not trained or experienced in driving, such as a lorry or a mini-bus. Maybe they required you to work a shift as a driver without giving you time to get adequately rested. They could be liable for failing to provide you with hi-visibility equipment if you were struck by a vehicle while working on a road.

For more details about how you could be entitled to make a compensation claim against your employer, see this guide here.

Whiplash Claims Against Foreign Drivers Or Vehicles

One common, albeit fairly minor injury that can occur as a result of a road traffic accident, is whiplash. A whiplash is a form of injury to the neck that occurs when the soft tissues, in particular the tendons and ligaments in the neck, are damaged by a sudden jolting or snapping motion of the head and neck. This can often occur when you are shunted back and forward in your seat by an impact.

Whiplash usually is not a long-lasting or serious injury. But it can lead to several weeks of pain and discomfort, particularly when eating, drinking or turning your head. For more detailed medical information about the causes, symptoms and treatment of whiplash, see this NHS guide. For more general information about how you could claim compensation for a whiplash injury, you can read our guide to those types of claims here.

Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle Compensation Calculator

As part of a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle, you won’t find out how large your payout is until later in the claims process. Firstly, there are several things to be calculated.

To give you an idea of how much you could be entitled to, we have included a personal injury claims calculator below. This table shows the monetary value of certain injuries. You can see how the amount of money a claimant can receive increases in proportion to the severity of the injury and the degree to which it is projected to impact the victim’s mental health, work-life and social life.

Multiple Serious Injuries And Special DamagesCovering multiple serious injuries and special damages for related financial losses.Up to £250,000+
Neck injuries - Severe (ii)Injuries that cause damage/serious fractures to discs in the cervical spine, resulting in a serious disability.£80,240 to £159,770
Neck injuries - Moderate (i)Fractures or dislocations that immediately result in severe symptoms and may lead to spinal fusion.£30,500 to £46,970
Leg Injuries - Severe (ii) Very SeriousThe person may require crutches/aids for the rest of their life due to permanent mobility problems.£66,920 to £109,290
Leg Injuries - Severe (iv) ModerateSevere crushing injuries or multiple/complicated fractures, generally to a single leg. Various factors will affect compensation.£33,880 to £47,840
Injuries to the Pelvis and Hips - Moderate (i)A significant injury to the hip or pelvis without resulting in a major permanent disability.£32,450 to £47.810
Arm Injuries - Less Severe InjuryA significant disability that largely recovers (or is expected to).£23,430 to £47,810
Arm Injuries - Simple Fractures of the ForearmCases where the forearm suffers simple fractures.£8,060 to £23,430
Back injuries - Moderate (i)Can cover crush or compression fractures to the lumbar vertebrae which result in constant discomfort and pain alongside a risk of osteoarthritis.£33,880 to £47,320
Back injuries - Moderate (ii)Frequently encountered injuries to the back, such as backache caused by the muscles or ligaments being disturbed.£15,260 to £33,880
Whiplash Injuries With Psychological InjuriesLasting between 18 to 24 months£4,345
Whiplash InjuriesSymptoms last between 18 to 24 months£4,215

Special Damages Claimable After A Foreign Vehicle Accident

The point of awarding compensation is to restore accident victims’ personal circumstances back to the way they were before the accident occurred. This may not be possible simply by paying money but financial compensation can at least rectify any losses suffered by the victim as a result of their accident.

You must remember, however, that in order to claim a financial loss or expense successfully you need to be able to prove it, so make sure that you keep any receipts, contracts, and invoices you have complied.

Financial compensation can be awarded to cover:

  • Medical expenses including physiotherapy and the purchase of drugs.
  • Home or vehicle adaptation
  • Care or personal assistance
  • Lost earnings as a result of time off work
  • Costs of any travel necessitated by your injury.

Steps To Take If Injured In An Accident Involving A Foreign Vehicle

There are a few things you ought to do right away if you haven’t done so already. These measures can help you improve your chances of successfully winning your Claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle

  • Seek medical attention. You may well have done this already, but in any case, you should get yourself seen by a doctor as soon as you can, not just for your health’s sake, but also to ensure that there is a medical record of your injury and your symptoms.
  • Take photos. Take photos of your car and its damage, the vehicle you collided with, any wreckage and the scene of the accident. Include the license plate of the vehicle which hit you if possible.
  • Get the contact and insurance details of the driver involved in the accident, if possible.
  • Obtain the contact details of any witnesses if possible, so that they can be contacted to give a statement at a later date.
  • Write down all that you saw and can remember so you have a record of events when they were fresh in your mind to refer back to later.

Why Choose Legal Helpline For Your Claim?

There are plenty of different legal firms out there that you could choose to take up your claim but we think you will find Legal Helpline to be the most advantageous for you.

We can provide you with an expert and experienced personal injury solicitor from our panel to work on your claim. They can handle the details of putting your claim together and they will work with you in gathering the evidence you need to back up your legal claim. They will strive to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible and will update you throughout the whole process. As the next section will explain you can work with a personal injury solicitor from our panel without having to pay expensive legal fees upfront.

Even if you haven’t decided yet to make a personal injury claim, you can seek the advice you need from our team of personal injury claim experts by calling the phone number listed at the bottom of this article.

No Win, No Fee Foreign Vehicle Car Accident

You can reap the benefits of working with one of the solicitors from our panel without having to worry about where the money to pay for a solicitor’s fees is going to come from. That’s because all of the solicitors on our panel will offer a No Win No Fee agreement, also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

The CFA is designed to offer claimants financial protection and the confidence to pursue justice. If you sign a CFA with a solicitor from our panel, you will not have to pay any fees upfront, nor will you have to pay any fees during your claim. If your claim is unsuccessful, you will not have to pay any of the fees your solicitor has incurred pursuing your case.

If your claim is successful, your solicitor may seek a small contribution towards their costs. This is known as a ‘success fee’ and would be deducted from the compensation awarded at the end of the claim. Don’t worry, the success fee is legally capped!

Claim for an Accident Involving a Foreign Vehicle FAQ

Here, we will look at some frequently asked questions about making a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle.

What expenses can I claim after a car accident?

As part of a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle, you could claim special expenses. Special expenses cover any personal funds lost as a result of the accident in question. These could include:

  • Medical expenses including physiotherapy and the purchase of drugs.
  • Home or vehicle adaptation
  • Care or personal assistance
  • Lost earnings as a result of time off work
  • Costs of any travel necessitated by your injury.

What is the average settlement for a minor car accident?

There is no such thing as an average settlement for a minor car accident, as every case is different. In turn, this means that every payout also differs. The severity of damage caused to the claimant is used to decide their payout figure.

To determine how much compensation you could get as part of a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle, please contact Legal Helpline for a free consultation today. If you choose to work with our panel of personal injury lawyers, they’ll arrange for you to undergo a medical assessment with an independent expert to determine your suffering.

Start A Foreign Vehicle Car Accident Claim

Whether you want to get started on a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle or you’d like any legal advice, simply get in touch today.

Resources For Road Accident Victims

The Motor Insurance Bureau

Our Guide to Hit And Run Claims

Our Guide to Passenger Injury Claims

This guide can help you find out what to do if you had a collision or accident which involved a stolen vehicle.

Thank you for reading our guide to making a claim for an accident involving a foreign vehicle.

Guide by JY

Edited by REG