By Olivia Beam. Last updated 15th March 2021. Welcome to our guide on how to claim sprained ankle compensation. As with many injuries, a sprained ankle could cause more than just physical suffering. A sprained ankle could lead to a prolonged period of absence from work or termination of work altogether. As a result, you could suffer encounter a significant loss of earnings as a result and this could attribute to additional psychological suffering too.
As such, if you were left with a sprained ankle because of an accident. If you were not at fault and another party’s negligence was to blame, you could be entitled to compensation.
How do I claim compensation for a sprained ankle? If you’re asking yourself this question, then you’ve come to the right place. Throughout this guide will be key information and guidance on how you could pursue a claim, what process you may need to follow and how a No Win No Fee agreement could financially benefit your personal injury claim in the long run.
If you require further information or you are in fact ready to begin your claim, then call us for free on 0333 000 0729.
Jump To A Section
- A Guide To Sprained Ankle Accident Compensation Claims
- Anatomy Of The Ankle Joint
- What Are The Symptoms Of A Sprained Ankle?
- Causes Of An Injured Or Sprained Ankle
- Grades Of Sprained Ankle
- Diagnosing And Treating Ankle Sprains
- Why Ankle Injuries Are Common
- Sprained Ankle Injuries Caused By Slips And Falls
- Sprained Ankle Injuries Caused By Accidents In Public Places
- Sprained Ankle Injured Caused By Workplace Accidents
- Special Damages Compensation For A Sprained And Injured Ankle
- Sprained Ankle Injury Compensation Calculator
- No Win No Fee Injured And Sprained Ankle Compensation Claims
- Why Choose To Work With Legal Helpline?
- Talk To The Legal Helpline Team
- Resources And References
A Guide To Sprained Ankle Accident Compensation Claims

Sprained ankle compensation
In this guide to claiming sprained ankle compensation, we will look at what type of ankle injuries may be eligible grounds for a valid personal injury claim if the accident was the result of third-party negligence. Alongside this, it will inform you of the many circumstances under which your potential claim could be conducted. Although this may seem daunting, you should not feel scared or overwhelmed. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you could use expert guidance and support throughout the entire process, which in turn could make your compensation claim as simple as possible.
How do I claim compensation for a sprained ankle? If you’re asking yourself this question, then you’ve come to the right place.
Furthermore, this guide will also look at ways in which you could strengthen your claim by receiving sprained ankle treatment from a medical professional and why it is important to pursue your claim within the relevant personal injury claims time limit. At present, this time limit stands at 3-years. However, there are some extenuating factors which may override this restriction. For example, if the potential claimant is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian could conduct a claim on their behalf. However, if no claim has been made before they turn 18, the child in question will have from their 18th birthday to their 21st birthday to pursue a claim themselves.
Anatomy Of The Ankle Joint
What some people may not know is that even minor sprained ankle symptoms could lead to an injury with more severe consequences if the warning signs are not spotted early on. For example, a minor case of sprained ankle symptoms could lead to ligament damage, which could be extremely painful and detrimental to your health.
There are four main bones which make up the ankle joint: the tibia, fibula, talus and calcaneus. Though it should be noted that the calcaneus is not medically considered part of the ankle joint. From here, we can see that the ankle joint itself incorporates 6 main ligaments. These primary ligaments include the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), cervical ligament (CL), lateral talocalcaneal ligament (LTCL) and the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (IOL). These
There are several types of an ankle sprain, all of which could be reasonable grounds to secure a settlement for sprained ankle compensation. These include grade 1, 2 and 3 ankle sprain types.
There are several ways in which injuries of these severities could arise, many of which will be described in great detail throughout this guide. Whether you were made to suffer a sprained ankle from a car accident or a slip, trip and fall accident, you could be entitled to compensation.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Sprained Ankle?
Generally speaking, there are some common symptoms which may arise when a person is suffering from a strain or sprain. According to the NHS, there are some warning signs that a person could check for, such as:
- Pain, tenderness or weakness around the area in question
- Swelling and/or bruising
- Inability to bear weight as normal
- Spasms, cramps and pains in the muscles
When differentiating between a strain or a sprain, you should seek to identify some of the common symptoms associated with the two in order to distinguish what type of injury it may be.
A typical sprain is a type of injury that tears or twists the ligament (connecting tissue between joints) either in wrists, knees, thumbs or ankles.
By contrast, a sprain is the overstretch or tear of a muscle in the feet, back, legs or knees. This type of injury is also known as a “pulled muscle”.
In order to aid your recovery, there are several home remedies that you could utilise which you may benefit from. What these are and how they could help will be explained later into this guide.
Causes Of An Injured Or Sprained Ankle
There are many causes of this injury type, ranging from a sprained ankle at work after a trip to a sprained ankle in a car accident. With so many varying causes, it would be seemingly impossible to identify each and every circumstance in this one guide. However, please find below some of the most common causes of this injury type:
- Slips/Trips/Falls: This causation may typically arise from an uneven or defective surface.
- Sports: A common way in which people could become injured is through sporting activities, especially in high contact sports such as hockey, rugby or football.
- Inappropriate Footwear: If you tend to wear high heels, oversized shoes or any other form of inappropriate footwear, you could heighten the risk of a sprained ankle
- Uneven Surfaces: By stepping on a surface that is uneven, unbalanced or defective, you could suffer a rolled or sprained ankle as a result.
An injury of this type could be suffered by anyone of any age. However, if your injury was sustained following an act of third-party negligence, you could pursue sprained ankle compensation.
Grades Of Sprained Ankle
As previously mentioned, there are various grades of a sprained ankle, all of which refer to different severities in symptoms and pain. These grades include Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3. Under these grades are specific symptoms which help identify the severity of an ankle sprain. These include:
- Grade 1 Ankle Sprain: A mild stretch of the ligament, though without joint instability.
- Grade 2 Ankle Sprain: A partial tear/rupture of the ligament. Again, this will not cause joint instability, but potentially mild instability.
- Grade 3 Ankle Sprain (Also known as a “severe ankle sprain”): Entire tear/rupture of the ligament. There will be instability of the joint.
Further from these grades, what is commonly referred to as a “high ankle sprain” is a type of injury which tears the ligament about the joint. In comparison to usual types of sprains, these injuries may take a lot longer to heal. If the joint is still painful after 6 weeks, it is likely that the injury could be a high ankle sprain.
For more information about how to claim sprained ankle compensation, please read on. For information on ankle injury claims in general, click here to read our detailed guide.
Diagnosing And Treating Ankle Sprains
From the section above, we can see that by applying your symptoms to the various degrees of sprains, you could diagnose your sprain from home. However, it is always recommended to seek medical attention following an accident in order to provide supporting evidence for sprained ankle accident compensation claim.
In treating your injury, there are a number of home remedies which you can use to assist the recovery period for a sprained ankle. In the first 48-72 hours, an important method of treatment you could use is PRICE – Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. This means you should:
- P (Protect): To avoid further injury, protect the ankle from harm. This could be through bandage, ankle support, or footwear with high sides.
- R (Rest): For 48-72 hours after the accident, rest the ankle joint and use crutches for mobility support.
- I (Ice): As soon as you recognise an injury, apply ice for at 10-30 minutes. If ice is applied for any less than 10 minutes than little to no effect will occur.
- C (Compression): To limit swelling, it is recommended to apply a tubular bandage. This will also help to rest a joint. You should note that this bandage does not need to be too tight. As long as there is mild pressure that is not uncomfortable, then this should be suitable for 48 hours until the bandage is removed. In some cases, it is advised to keep the bandage on for longer.
- E (Elevation): This aims to reduce any swelling associated with the sprain. You should look to keep your foot to at least hip level, either by propping it onto a chair, sofa or some cushions.
In addition to this, you should look towards HARM for 72 hours after injury. By incorporating this, you should, therefore, look to avoid:
- H (Heat): As heat encourages blood flow, it should be avoided when inflammation is developing and, instead, replaced with ice (as above). This may include hot baths, heat packs and saunas.
- A (Alcohol): To avoid an increase in bleeding and swelling, alcoholic drinks should be avoided.
- R (Running): You could induce further damage by running on your ankle sprain.
- M (Massage): Again, this could increase swelling and bleeding, which will cause the opposite desired effect for healing. However, a gentle massage may be applied after 72 hours to sooth pain.
You can find more information about symptoms, types and treatment in this sprained ankle NHS guide. You could seek further advice from a medical professional if these techniques do not aid your recovery period. In the meantime, please continue reading to learn how to claim sprained ankle compensation.
Why Ankle Injuries Are Common
The main reason behind the high frequency of sprained ankle injuries is the soft tissue which surrounds it. As such, soft tissue is easy to damage and therefore can become increasingly susceptible to injury once harm has come to it in the past. When the ankle crooks inwards rapidly towards the body, it could create room for an ankle sprain to occur.
Your ankle also bears a significant amount of weight in order to support your ankle, which means that previous injury could give rise to injuries in the future. Something as simple as a trip or fall could lead to a sprain, though sport and outdoor activities could increase this potential.
Sprained Ankle Injuries Caused By Slips And Falls
As one of the most common ways in which major injury in UK workplaces occur, a slip, trip or fall accident are seen to often be initiators of accidents which, in turn, attributed to other causations. These include machinery accidents, falls from height (such as from scaffolding) and scalding.
Sprained ankle compensation could be awarded if another party was liable for the accident. Your claim could be directed towards a local council for neglecting a pavement or a governing body of a shopping centre who fails to manage a spillage or weather hazard. In any case, it is the responsibility of the operator to maintain reasonable safety standards of a public place at all times.
You can find more information about the prevention of slip, trip and fall accidents in this Health and Safety Executive (HSE) hazard spotting checklist.
Sprained Ankle Injuries Caused By Accidents In Public Places
Similar to the points mentioned above, a public place is legally required to uphold reasonable safety standards for members of the public who occupy these spaces. If you experience an accident in a public space which could have been avoided had the correct precautions taken place, then you could hold the operator accountable.
As with your employer’s legal responsibility, the owner of the public space must ensure your health and well-being are of utmost priority. Therefore, the operator should engage in hazard prevention techniques on a regular basis to minimise the risk of an accident occurring. If they fail to do so, you could pursue a sprained ankle compensation claim for your damages.
Sprained Ankle Injured Caused By Workplace Accidents
If you were made to suffer from a workplace accident, you could be entitled to sprained ankle compensation. This is because your employer is legally required to keep their employees safe and prevent accidents from occurring to the best of their abilities. An employer may enforce these measures through the regulation of health and safety standards.
According to 2020 statistics from the Health and Safety Executive, the Labour Force Survey received over 693,000 self-reports of workplace injuries. Furthermore, RIDDOR received 65,427 reports from employers of workplace injuries for that year alone. The most common causes of injuries, which could include sprained ankles, were reported as:
- Slips, trips and falls (29%)
- Handling, lifting and carrying (19%)
- Being struck by a moving object (11%)
- Acts of violence (9%)
- Falls from a height (8%)
In order to make a personal injury claim for a workplace accident, you must first be able to prove that the cause was negligence on the part of your employer. In such scenarios, the assistance of a legal expert could help you distinguish these grounds. Click here to read our guide about workplace accident claims.
Special Damages Compensation For A Sprained And Injured Ankle
In order to calculate how much your potential damages are worth, there are two categories which must be taken into consideration. Sprained ankle compensation, like all other types of personal injury claims, has two sub-categories; general damages and special damages. Under these categories, the severity of your suffering and other such factors exist, which will impact how much compensation you receive in the final settlement amount. These include:
General Damages: This category looks to factors which cannot necessarily be quantified (i.e. your injury and suffering). For a monetary value to be estimated then, a medical assessment will be conducted in order to assess the extent of your injuries, impact on your well-being and future prognosis.
Special Damages: Unlike general damages which cannot necessarily be quantified, this category seeks to calculate areas of your sprained ankle compensation claim which can be quantified. For example, this could include medical bills, travel expenses and any loss of earnings as a direct result from your accident.
Sprained Ankle Injury Compensation Calculator
In the table below, you can find generalised estimations of potential compensation payout amounts for various injuries; in particular, those that could be awarded as part of sprained ankle compensation. These are based on JC Guidelines which are used by English lawyers as guidance for settlement amounts. While some people may seek an online personal injury claims calculator for an estimation of their settlement amount, a more centralised figure could be provided by speaking with an advisor from our panel.
Injury | Severity | Amount | Information |
Ankle Injuries | Very Severe | £46,980 to £65,420 | The injuries associated with this bracket are somewhat unusual and limited. These cases may include transmalleolar fractures in which extensive damage to the soft-tissue will result in deformity and risk to future injury. |
Severe | £29,380 to £46,980 | These types of injuries will necessitate extensive treatment over a period of time, where lengthy plaster/pins/plates must be inserted in order to form some levels of ankle stability. | |
Moderate | £29,380 to £46,980 | These fractures/ligamentous tears will likely give rise to disabilities that are less serious than those previously mentioned. For example, the individual will struggle to walk on uneven ground or stand for periods of time. | |
Modest Injuries | Up to £12,900 | An injury of minor severity (e.g. undisplaced fractures) are associated with this bracket. How much is awarded will be determined by whether a complete recovery is made. | |
Achilles Tendon | Most Serious | In the region of £36,060 | This bracket will award compensation to cases of severed tendons and peroneus longus muscles which give rise to symptoms of swelling, restricted ankle movement and cramp. The individual will need to cease participating in active sports as a result. |
Serious | £23,460 to £28,240 | The previously divided tendon will successfully re-join after repair, but there will be a residual weakness and thus limitation of movement in the ankle as a result. The individual may suffer from a limp and/or residual scarring as a result and further improvement may not be likely. | |
Moderate | £11,820 to £19,770 | A case of moderate severity may involve partial rupture (or rather significant injury) where the level of recovery made will still give rise to continuing functional disability and potentially permanent scarring too. | |
Minor | £6,820 to £11,820 | There may be some damage to the tendon as a result of turning in the ankle, with a feeling of uncertainty for ankle support. | |
Foot Injuries | Amputation Of Both Feet | £158,970 to £189,110 | This injury is given similar treatment to amputations of both legs or below-knee amputations. This is because there is loss of a useful ankle joint. |
Amputation Of One Foot | £78,800 to £102,890 | Again, as aforementioned, the injury is treated similar to below-knee amputations for the same reason. |
No Win No Fee Injured And Sprained Ankle Compensation Claims
When you begin a personal injury claim for sprained ankle compensation with our panel of experts, they will work on what is known as a “No Win No Fee” basis. This simply states that you will only be held accountable for your solicitor’s fees if they secure a settlement amount for your damages. Their time and services will be settled with what is known as a “success fee”, which is a small percentage of the final monetary amount. This is legally capped at 25%.
However, if you find that your compensation claim is unsuccessful for whatever reason, then you will not be responsible for your lawyer’s fees. This is because they were unable to secure compensation for you. As such, this type of financial agreement is known to reduce the financial risks associated with conducting a claim.
Why Choose To Work With Legal Helpline?
Our panel of solicitors have up to thirty years’ experience handling sprained ankle compensation claims and the like, for victims of third-party negligence. Regardless of what type of accident you were involved in, you could secure injured ankle compensation for your suffering if the accident wasn’t your fault. Below, you can find how to contact our team of advisors.
Talk To The Legal Helpline Team
To begin your claim, you can:
- Call: We can be reached on 0333 000 0729.
- Call Back: Fill in a form to begin your online enquiry.
Sprained Ankle Compensation FAQs
Here are some popular questions about claiming sprained ankle compensation.
Can you claim compensation for sprained ankle?
Providing you suffered the sprained ankle as a result of a third-party failing to uphold their duty of care to you, you could be able to claim.
How do I claim compensation for a sprained ankle?
If you believe you have grounds to make a claim for a sprained ankle, please get in touch with our specialist advisors today to see if this could be possible. They’ll provide you with a free assessment with no-obligation to proceed. If they believe you’re entitled to a payout, they can connect you to a personal injury lawyer from our panel to handle your case.
Resources And References
Below are some resources which you may find useful.
Fatal Accident At Work Claims
For more information about how to claim compensation for a fatal accident at work, read our detailed guide.
Compensation For Head Injuries
You could be entitled to compensation for a head injury caused by third-party negligence.
Hand Injury Claims And Compensation Specialists
A victim of a hand injury may receive maximum compensation for a hand injury.
Broken Ankle Guidance And Information
For medical advice regarding a broken ankle, please read this NHS leaflet.
Workers Health And Safety Regulations
In this guide by the Health And Safety Executive, you will find safety strategies and prevention tips for employers.
Thanks for reading our guide on how to claim sprained ankle compensation.
Article by H