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Millie’s Cookies Allergic Reaction Claims Guide – How To Claim Compensation For An Allergic Reaction After Eating

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Buying food as an allergy sufferer can be very frustrating, especially if food retailers don’t make it clear what allergens might be present in their food. When you make a purchase, you’re likely to check menus and packaging twice for the presence of the allergen that affects you and you might even ask staff to confirm what’s included. If the information you receive is incorrect, and you go on to suffer a reaction, you could be entitled to claim compensation. 

In this guide, we’re going to consider when you might be able to claim for an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies food. We’ll look at when they might be liable for your allergic reaction, when you could be entitled to claim, and the amount of compensation you could receive.

We can help you begin a compensation claim by offering free legal advice. We also offer a no-obligation assessment of your claim. If one of our advisors believes your claim could be successful, they’ll connect you with one of the No Win No Fee personal injury lawyers on our panel.

To begin your claim right away, simply call an advisor on 0333 000 0729 today. Otherwise, to find out more about claiming for an allergy to Millie’s Cookies, please continue reading.

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A Guide To Claiming For A Food Allergy In Millie’s Cookies

If you are aware that you suffer from a food allergy, you’re probably very careful about how you choose each meal. To help you, legislation exists which should make it easier to find out if an allergen is present in the product you’re considering. If a food retailer fails to follow the legislation or the product has been cross-contaminated with an allergen, you might be able to seek compensation for any suffering caused.

Allergic reaction after eating Millie's Cookies compensation claims guide

While this guide is about claiming for an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies products, the information could also be used for similar types of retailer. One of the key things you should know is that there is a personal injury claims time limit which applies in all cases.

Generally, you have 3 years from the date of your allergic reaction to begin a claim. If the limitation period is breached, you won’t receive any compensation that you might’ve done as the claim will become statute-barred. 3 years might seem like a long period to make your claim, but a personal injury lawyer will require time to gather supporting evidence such as witness statements and medical reports. Therefore, we’d advise you to begin your claim as soon as possible.

After reading our guide, if you decide that you’d like to discuss making a claim, or would like to ask any questions, please get in touch using the number at the end of this guide.

What Are The Types Of Food Allergy?

It’s important to note that allergies and intolerances caused by food are not the same things. Food intolerance will usually cause minor symptoms (which might be similar to allergies) but won’t usually be life-threatening. An allergic reaction happens when your body’s immune system reacts to a certain ingredient and wrongly thinks it’s dangerous.

NHS information shows that most symptoms of an allergic reaction are minor. They include itchiness, rashes, vomiting and swelling around the lips, eyes and roof of the mouth. However, more serious reactions (called anaphylaxis) can be life-threatening or even fatal.

What Is An Allergic Reaction Caused By Millie’s Cookies?

Now that we know what allergic reactions are and what causes them, let’s look at how eating Millie’s Cookies foods could cause an allergic reaction. As an allergy sufferer, you’re likely to check menus twice before ordering foods from places you’ve not eaten before.

If the menu or food packaging has clear information that an allergen might be contained within the food, you’ll avoid it and make another choice. Millie’s Cookies allergen information might also be contained on a board or signage within the store.

We will look at liability for an allergic reaction and scenarios which could cause them later on, but essentially, if you purchase food or drink from Millie’s Cookies and there is no clear allergen information provided, you could be entitled to claim against them if you go on to become ill, provided you can evidence the failings of the outlet.

To make this type of claim successfully, we’d advise you to keep any packaging, take photographs of menus and ask witnesses for their details. Then call a member of our team for free advice on how to begin your claim.

How Commonly Do People Suffer From Food Allergies?

If you’re lucky enough not to suffer from an allergy, you might be surprised how common they are. The fact that we don’t hear about allergies might be due to the fact that sufferers get such good advice from doctors nowadays and know how to control them.

However, statistics from the charity Allergy UK, are quite startling:

  • Over 20% of the population (adults and children) are affected.
  • In adults, the figure rises to 44%. Of those, at least half (48%) suffer from more than one allergy.
  • In the 20 years up to 2012, the rate of hospitalisations for anaphylaxis rose by a massive 615%.

Millie’s Cookies Ignored A Request Not To Serve You An Allergen

When you purchase food that is prepared on-site, some restaurants may allow you to ask for ingredients to be removed. In some cases, though, they might tell you that it’s not possible for your request to be met and you’ll need to choose a different option.

If the person who serves you agrees to your request, but the request isn’t fulfilled properly by the person preparing your food, you could begin a claim against them if you go on to suffer an allergic reaction and can prove the outlet breached its duty of care. Here are some examples of what you might request to be removed from your food.

  • No Milk
  • No Wheat
  • No Oats
  • No Nuts
  • No Eggs

If you’ve suffered an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies foods containing an ingredient you asked to be removed, we could offer you free claims advice. Simply call us on the number at the top of this page.

Could Negligent Restaurants Cause Allergic Reactions?

You might think that as an allergy is nobody’s fault, it’d be difficult to claim compensation for an allergic reaction caused by the food you’d purchased. However, there are a number of ways that negligence could be caused by a restaurant or food business which could entitle you to claim. For instance:

  • If the retailer failed to clearly list allergens on food packaging, menus or signage in-store.
  • When staff failed to tell you, when asked, that the product contained an allergen.
  • If staff preparing food don’t stick to the correct ingredients and use an allergen that shouldn’t be included.
  • Where safety procedures aren’t followed correctly in the kitchen and cause cross-contamination to occur.

In any of the above situations, you could be entitled to claim if you suffer an allergic reaction. Please speak with a member of our team today for free advice on beginning a claim.

Restaurant Customer Rights Under The Consumer Rights Act

When you buy any type of product in the UK, you’ll receive some protection from the Consumer Protection Act 1987. In general terms, the product needs to be as described and fit for purpose. That means, if the packaging which your food came in, or the information provided at the point of sale, didn’t clearly identify that it contained an allergen, you could make a claim for negligence if you suffered a reaction as a result.

Also, negligence could be established if the packaging didn’t warn of the risks of cross-contamination by using ‘may contain’ labelling or similar warnings in situations where foods are prepared in areas where allergens might be present.

Could If I Claim If I Did Not Tell Millie’s Cookies I Have An Allergy?

As an allergy sufferer, if you’re unsure whether a product contains an allergen, it would be prudent to check with staff before making a purchase. However, you’re under no obligation to do so. If you’ve purchased a product from Millie’s Cookies without telling the staff about your allergy, you could still be entitled to claim if the packaging, signage or menu doesn’t make it clear that the product contains, or might contain an allergen.

Evidence you could supply for this type of claim includes retained packaging or photographs of the menu that you chose your food from.

Do Restaurants Have To Provide Allergy Information By Law?

The Food Standards Agency has a list of 14 allergens which food producers need to clearly highlight on food packaging and menus. This has been the case since December 2014. It was introduced in legislation called the Food Information Regulations 2014.

However, additional laws will come into effect in October 2021 to ensure that ingredients and allergen information are listed on all foods which are pre-packed for direct sale. These additional laws were the result of a government consultation following the death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse who suffered an allergic reaction after eating a sandwich that did not display allergen information on its packaging. The legislation is referred to as Natasha’s Law.

Foods Which Could Commonly Cause Allergic Reactions

As we’ve alluded to throughout this guide so far, there are many different food allergies that cause people to suffer. Some are more common than others and we hear about them in the news quite regularly (nut allergies for instance). For your information, we’ve listed all of the possible allergies below. It’s important to state that Millie’s Cookies recipes do not include all of the allergens and we’re listing them all for guidance only.

  • Milk allergies.
  • Nut allergies.
  • Dairy allergies.
  • Wheat allergies.
  • Mustard allergies.
  • Fish allergies.
  • Soy allergies.
  • Shellfish allergies.
  • Sulphur dioxide allergies
  • Cereal allergies.
  • Gluten allergies.
  • Celery allergies.
  • Seafood allergies.
  • Fruit allergies.
  • Lupin allergies.
  • Egg allergies.

If you believe you’ve suffered an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies, we could help you begin a claim regardless of what allergen caused your suffering. Please get in touch with a member of our team for free advice on your claim options.

Menu And Allergy Information For Millie’s Cookies

For your information, we’ve provided a list of products available from the Millie’s Cookies menu at the time of writing. It’s important to note that many restaurants, fast-food outlets and cafes have reduced their menu options following the COVID-19 lockdown to make it safer for staff to work. Therefore, the menu is subject to change and some items might not be available at all locations.

Menu Information For Millie’s Cookies

  • Cookie bases: milk chocolate, double chocolate and white chocolate
  • Pack of 4 cookies
  • Pack of 6 cookies
  • Box of 12 cookies
  • 2 boxes of 12 cookies
  • Gift tin of 18 cookies
  • Year’s supply of cookies
  • Gift tin of 50 cookies
  • Giant cookie
  • Heart-shaped cookie
  • Giant cookie cake
  • Giant cookie with 12 cookies
  • Muffins
  • Cookie cupcake boxes and tins
  • Latte
  • Vanilla Latte
  • Chocolate cookie latte
  • Caramel vanilla latte
  • Cappuccino, Americano, Espresso

Food Allergy In Millie’s Cookies Compensation Calculator

If you’ve decided to claim because of an allergic reaction caused by one of the Millie’s Cookies ingredients, you might want to know the amount of compensation that might be offered. In truth, every claim is different, which means that we can’t provide a personalised estimate here. Instead, we’ve provided the following table that contains compensation amounts that could be awarded for some relevant illnesses and injuries. The figures in the table are taken from a publication called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) which courts use to help calculate settlement amounts.

Claim TypeCompensation AmountsComments
Allergy (Allergic Reaction) Up to £3,710In this compensation bracket, the victim will suffer minor symptoms. Recovery will take around two weeks (and might not require any treatment).
Allergy (Allergic Reaction)£3,710 to £8,950In this compensation bracket, the victim will suffer more serious symptoms such as fatigue, significant discomfort and stomach cramps. In most cases, hospitalisation will be required and suffering could last for a couple of weeks. Full recovery, out of hospital, could take up to a year.
Allergy (Allergic Reaction)£8,950 to £18,020In this compensation bracket, the victim will have symptoms that could take as long as two to four weeks to diminish. There may be some symptoms that are permanent or much longer-lasting however.

Because the amount awarded is determined by the severity of your injuries, it’s vital that evidence is provided to support your claim. As part of the claims process, your personal injury solicitor will make an appointment for you with a local medical specialist. They’ll carry out a medical assessment and then provide a report that shows what injuries were suffered, how your daily life was affected by them and if any of your symptoms will remain in the long-term.

When you’ve spoken with a member of our team, if they refer you to a solicitor, you should be provided with a personalised compensation figure once your claim has been assessed.

How Special Damages Could Compensate You

If you make a claim for an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies foods, there will be two elements to your claim: general damages and special damages.

General damages compensation is awarded to cover the pain, suffering and loss of amenity your illness or injury caused you. In the previous section, the table contained some examples of general damages amounts.

Special damages are awarded to cover any financial costs you’ve accrued because of the injuries you sustained. There are several parts of a special damages claim including:

  • Care Costs – If you require support at home while you’re recovering, any associated costs could be claimed back. That might be a professional carer’s fees, or an hourly rate could be calculated to cover the time of a loved one or friend who supported you.
  • Travel Costs – Should your injuries mean you’re unable to drive while you’re getting better, then the cost of any alternative transport arrangements could be included in your claim. Furthermore, if you incur parking fees or fuel costs for visits to the hospital, GP surgery or pharmacy, you could claim these back too.
  • Medical Expenses – In most cases, any remedial treatment you’ll need will be provided for free by the NHS. However, you could still claim back the cost of over the counter treatments and prescription costs.
  • Loss of Earnings – If your employer doesn’t pay full sick pay, taking time off to recover or visit a doctor can become costly. Therefore, you could ask for any lost earnings to be paid. Also, if you have any long-term symptoms, which might affect your ability to work, future lost income could also be claimed back.

To support your claim, we advise that you keep bank statements, receipts and wage slips as evidence of any losses.

No Win No Fee Claims For A Food Allergy In Millie’s Cookies

If you are considering making a compensation claim, it’s quite normal to worry about how much the whole process will cost you. To help reduce your stress and financial risk, our panel of solicitors provides a No Win No Fee service for claims they agree to handle.

The agreement that will be used to fund your claim is called a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Using a CFA has a number of advantages including:

  • No payment is required before the claim can begin.
  • You won’t need to cover any solicitor’s fees as the case progresses.
  • There will be no fees to pay at all if the solicitor fails to win compensation for you.

When your solicitor wins the case and you receive a settlement, they will keep a percentage of the compensation amount to cover their efforts. This is known as a success fee, but you needn’t stress too much about it as the amount is legally capped and will be detailed in your CFA so you know how much you’ll pay right from the start of your claim.

If you speak with an advisor today, they’ll let you know whether you’re eligible to claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

Contacting The Legal Helpline Team

You’ve now reached the end of this guide about claims for an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies foods. We hope you’ve found the information useful and, if you’re considering making a claim, we hope you’d like Legal Helpline to support you. If that’s the case, here are the best ways to contact us:

  • Call for free claims advice from one of our specialists on 0333 000 0729
  • Send an email to [email protected] with a summary of your case.
  • Ask for support from an online advisor by using our live chat feature.
  • Request a call back from a specialist advisor by completing our claims form.

When you reach out to us, an advisor will begin by listening to what happened in a no-obligation assessment of your claim. They’ll explain your options for free and, if your claim has a chance of success, could introduce you to one of the No Win No Fee personal injury lawyers on our panel.

Supporting References

In this last section of our guide about suffering an allergic reaction after eating Millie’s Cookies products, we’ve provided you with some additional information by way of some helpful guides and articles. If there’s any further information you require please contact a member of our team today.

FAQ: Allergic Reaction Claims – This guide answers any questions you might have about making an allergic reaction claim.

Nut Allergy Claims – A guide which covers claims following an allergic reaction to nuts.

Allergic Reaction To Dairy Claims – Information on claiming when you’ve suffered due to food containing unlisted dairy products.

Treating Allergies – A list of available treatments for allergies from the NHS.

Report A Problem – This page is where consumers can report food-related problems to the government’s Food Standards Agency.

Steroid Medicines – A list of different steroid medicines supplied by the NHS, some of which can be used for allergy management.


Guide by BE

Edited by REG