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A Guide To Motorbike Injury Claims

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In this guide, we discuss motorbike injury claims. Firstly, we look at when you could be eligible to make a personal injury claim if you have been involved in a motorcycle road traffic accident. Additionally, we discuss the evidence you could gather to strengthen your case.

Furthermore, we provide examples of motorbike accidents and injuries, as well as outline the duty of care road users owe one another to prevent harm or damage when using the roads.

We also discuss compensation payouts for motorbike injuries and how they are calculated.

Finally, we discuss how a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel could benefit you and the services they could potentially offer.

For more information on motorcycle accident claims, you can get in touch with our team of advisors who can answer your questions 24/7. To contact us, you can:

a motorbike helmet lying on the ground with a motorbike behind it after being hit by a car
A Guide To Motorbike Injury Claims

Select A Section

  1. Eligibility Criteria For Motorbike Injury Claims
  2. What Motorbike Injuries Could You Claim For?
  3. What Evidence Do You Need For Motorbike Injury Claims?
  4. What Compensation Could Be Awarded For Motorbike Injury Claims?
  5. Can You Use No Win No Fee Solicitors For Road Traffic Accident Claims?
  6. Learn More About Motorbike Accident Claims

Eligibility Criteria For Motorbike Injury Claims

All road users, including motorcyclists and pedestrians, must follow the rules and regulations in the Highway Code and the Road Traffic Act 1988. In doing so, they can uphold their duty of care which requires them to navigate the roads in a way that prevents harm or damage to themselves and others.

If another road user has caused you to sustain harm as a motorcyclist after they breached their duty of care, you may wonder whether you could seek compensation.

You must satisfy the personal injury claim eligibility criteria if you are looking to claim compensation for your motorbike accident. Here are the requirements you have to prove:

  1. When you were injured, a duty of care was owed to you by another road user. 
  2. They breached this duty of care. 
  3. This breach caused your injury. 

Contact us today to see whether you have an eligible claim. Our team works around the clock and are happy to discuss your case with you.

What Motorbike Injuries Could You Claim For?

In order to claim for motorbike injuries, another party must have been at least partially responsible for the accident in which you suffered harm. 

Examples of motorbike injuries that could be sustained in an accident include:

  • Broken or fractured bones. If a car driver lacks awareness of their surroundings and does not pay full attention because they use their mobile phone at the wheel, they could collide with a motorcyclist causing them to sustain a break or fracture. This could include a broken leg, broken arm and broken back.
  • Head injuries, such as brain damage. If a vehicle is speeding over the limit, they could fail to break in time for the motorbike ahead. The high speed could result in a greater impact between the vehicles. This could lead to the motorcyclist sustaining a serious head injury.
  • Internal organ damage. A drunk driver might swerve onto the other side of the road and therefore directly into a motorbike driver. This could force the motorbike driver to fall off and be crushed by their bike leading to damage of multiple organs.

Our advisors offer a free consultation with no obligation to see if you have a valid claim. You could be connected with a personal injury solicitor from our panel if you are eligible, so please get in touch with us today to potentially begin the motorbike injury claims process.

What Evidence Do You Need For Motorbike Injury Claims?

Evidence can help support motorcycle injury claims, by proving that your injuries were caused by a breach of duty on the part of another road user.

Here are some types of evidence that strengthen claims:

  • CCTV footage or dash-cam footage of the incident.
  • Medical evidence, such as copies of scans and test results.
  • Police report, if applicable.
  • Contact details of any witnesses.
  • Pictures of any visible injuries.
  • A diary that records your physical and psychological injuries.

If you would like assistance with seeking personal injury compensation, you should get in touch with our advisors. If you have an eligible case, you could be connected with a solicitor from our panel. They have experience handling claims for a motorbike injury and can help you gather evidence.

What Compensation Could Be Awarded For Motorbike Injury Claims?

Settlements awarded in successful motorbike injury claims could comprise up to two heads of loss. The first is general damages which compensates for the pain and suffering caused by the injuries.

Solicitors use a legal document called the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), along with an independent medical assessment, to calculate general damages. There is a list of guideline award brackets contained within the JCG, some of which you can find in the table below.

Guideline Compensation Table

Please use this table as a guide only because settlements are calculated on an individual basis.

Injury TypeLevel Of SeverityFurther InformationAward Brackets - Guidelines
ParalysisTetraplegia (a)Where the injured person is paralysed from the neck down.£324,600 to £403,990
Paraplegia (b)Where the injured person is paralysed from the waist down.£219,070 to £284,260
Brain damageVery severe (a)The level award is influenced by factors such as life expectancy, sensory impairment and the presence of epilepsy.£282,010 to £403,990
Moderate (c) (i)The injured person's senses are affected, there is a personality change, and a moderate to severe intellectual deficit with no prospect of employment.£150,110 to £219,070
LegAmputations (a) (iii)Above the knee amputation in one leg.£104,830 to £137,470
Arm AmputationLoss of one arm (i)Shoulder level arm amputation.Not less than £137,160
ChestTotal removal of one lung and/or serious heart damage (a)Serious and ongoing pain and permanent and significant scarring.£100,670 to £150,110
Traumatic injury to chest, lungs, and/or heart (b)Permanent damage with impaired function, physical disability and reduced life expectancy.£65,740 to £100,670
HandTotal or effective loss of one hand (c)Where the hand has been crushed and thus needs amputating.£96,160 to £109,650
BackModerate (b) (i)Crush or compression fractures of the vertebrae in the lumbar spine causing a substantial risk of osteoarthritis and constant pain and discomfort.£27,760 to £38,780

Special Damages

Special damages compensate for any financial losses or expenses incurred because of your injuries. For example, you may have to pay for home adaptations to accommodate your injuries, or you may have to take time off work and therefore suffer a loss of earnings. Compensation can be awarded under special damages to reimburse you for these costs.

However, it’s important for you to keep hold of any receipts, invoices or payslips that could prove your special damages.

You can find out more about calculating compensation for motorbike injury claims by getting in touch with an advisor on the number above. They could offer you a free valuation of your potential case.

Can You Use No Win No Fee Solicitors For Road Traffic Accident Claims?

A No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel could offer to represent your claim under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a contract between you and your solicitor which typically stipulates that you don’t have to pay any costs for the services they provide at the following times:

  • When your claim begins.
  • As your claim progresses.
  • If your claim fails.

Your No Win No Fee solicitor will take a legally capped percentage from your compensation as their success fee if the claim wins. The legal cap on this percentage allows you to keep the majority of your compensation.

Our advisors could connect you to a solicitor from our panel, provided you have valid grounds to proceed with your case. If you would like to discuss the possibility of working with a solicitor or to ask questions about motorbike injury claims, get in touch with our team. To do so, you can:

Learn More About Motorbike Accident Claims

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Thank you reading our guide on motorbike injury claims. If you have any other questions, please contact an advisor on the number above.