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A Guide To Automatic Door Injury Claims

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This is a guide exploring automatic door injury claims. It will discuss the eligibility criteria that need to be satisfied in order for a personal injury claim following a public place accident to be made. Also, it will discuss the potential steps you could help to prove your case, including gathering evidence. 

automatic door injury claims
Automatic Door Injury Claims Guide

Additionally, we will discuss the duty of care that occupiers of public spaces owe visitors and the legislation that they must adhere to in order to prevent automatic doors from causing an injury.

Further on in our guide, we discuss the personal injury compensation that could be awarded to address the different ways you have been impacted by your injuries.

Finally, we will share the benefits of choosing to work with a public accident solicitor who offers their services in a No Win No Fee capacity.

For further guidance on the process of making a public liability claim, please speak to an advisor. To get in touch, you can:

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Automatic Door Injury Claims – Who Could Seek Compesation?

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 outlines in Section 2 that the occupier of a public space owes a duty of care to all visitors. It states they need to take steps to ensure that visitors are reasonably safe on the premises. 

Additionally, owners and occupiers of commercial premises that use powered gates have duties set out by The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Section 18 of the legislation states they must ensure powered doors or gates have suitable and effective features that prevent it from causing injury.

Whilst occupiers and owners of a public space could be liable if they breach their duty of care and this causes a visitor harm, manufacturers could also be responsible if the product was faulty or defective.

In order to begin a personal injury claim following a public place accident involving automatic doors, you need to establish:

  • The occupier owed a duty of care to you.
  • They breached this duty.
  • You experienced physical or psychological harm as a result of the breach.

The three points above lay the foundation of negligence in personal injury claims, and if proven, you could seek compensation.

Time Limits On Public Accident Claims

The Limitation Act 1980 applies a three-year time limit to begin a personal injury claim following an accident. Generally, this will start from the accident date. However, in some cases an exception could be made.

For further guidance on the time limits and whether you meet the eligibility criteria to have valid grounds to begin a claim, please call an advisor on the number above.

Types Of Automatic Door Injuries 

There are several types of injuries that could be sustained in an accident involving an automatic door, and different ways these accidents could occur. For example:

  • You could have your finger or hand trapped in a door which could lead to a surgical amputation. This could occur if there was a fault with the sensor in the door. 
  • You could sustain a crush injury to an arm, leg, or foot after getting stuck in a door that closed when it should have stayed open. This could lead to a broken or fractured bone.
  • A head injury or knee injury could be sustained from colliding with a door that does not open as expected.

To discuss the specific circumstances of your accident and the injuries you sustained, please get in touch with an advisor. They can determine whether you’re eligible to seek compensation and provide further guidance on automatic door injury claims.

Proving Automatic Door Injury Claims

Evidence can help prove that the party in control of a public space breached their duty of care and this caused you to sustain an injury. As such, you may find it beneficial to gather the following:

  • Medical records, such as test results or copies of scans. 
  • Photographs of the accident scene and your injuries.
  • The contact details of any witnesses.
  • CCTV or footage from another device is useful, particularly if it shows the cause of the accident, like a malfunctioning door.
  • Keeping a diary of treatment and your symptoms to show your physical and mental wellbeing after the accident.

If you need help gathering evidence and building your case, you may benefit from working with a solicitor. If you have valid grounds to seek compensation and would like to have a solicitor from our panel represent your case, please get in touch with our advisors.

Examples Of Automatic Door Injury Claim Payouts

A settlement for a successful public accident claim can include two heads of claim. The first of these is known as general damages which compensate for the mental pain and physical suffering inflicted by your injuries. It is worth noting that there is no guarantee of what might be awarded because various factors affect the level of compensation awarded, such as:

  • The nature of the injury.
  • The injury’s severity.
  • How long it would take to recover.

Along with medical evidence, solicitors can use Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them assign a value to different injuries.

The table below uses the guideline award brackets from the JCG. However, these figures are only a guide and not necessarily reflective of the settlement you could receive after a successful claim. 

Compensation Table

FootAmputation of One Foot£83,960 to £109,650This type of injury is treated similar to a below the knee amputation due to the lost ankle joint.
LegSevere (ii)£54,830 to £87,890Injuries in this bracket lead to permanent mobility issues and the need for crutches for the remainder of the person's life.
HandSerious damage to both hands£55,820 to £84,570There is a significant loss of function, plus permanent cosmetic disability.
HandSevere fractures to fingersUp to £36,740Injuries may result in partial amputation and lead to deformity as well as impaired grip, disturbed sensation and a reduced mechanical function.
KneeSevere (ii)£52,120 to £69,730A leg fracture that extends into the knee joint causing constant pain and limited movement.
ArmInjuries Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement£39,170 to £59,860Serious fractures of one or both forearms causing significant and permanent residual disability. This may be functional or cosmetic.
HeadLess Severe£15,320 to £43,060The person will have made a good recovery and can return to a normal social life as well as work. However, they may be ongoing issues with concentration and mood.
Pelvis or Hip Moderate (i)£26,590 to £39,170An injury to the pelvis or hip that is significant but doesn't cause any permanent major disability.
WristLess severe£24,500 to £39,170There is some permanent disability, such as a degree of ongoing pain and stiffness.
BackModerate (i)£27,760 to £38,780This bracket features compression or crush fractures to the lumbar vertebrae.

Special damages

Special damages is the second head of claim that can be included in your settlement. This awards compensation for financial losses caused by your injuries. For example, if an automatic door injures you, you could incur the following costs:

The best way to keep track of monetary losses is to maintain a record of payslips, receipts, and invoices.

For more information on compensation in automatic door injury claims, please contact an advisor.

How To Claim With A No Win No Fee Public Accident Solicitor

The experienced No Win No Fee solicitors from our panel could offer services, such as help building and presenting your case within the limitation period, under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). 

Typically, under a this type of No Win No Fee contract:

  • There will be no fees for the solicitor’s services upfront or during the claim.
  • You won’t have to pay for the solicitor’s work if the case fails.
  • If your claim succeeds, your solicitor will take a percentage of the settlement as their success fee. The percentage that solicitors take is capped by law. This cap is set by The Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013.

Talk To Our Team

For more information relating to automatic door injury claims, please contact an advisor. They can offer additional guidance on your eligibility to seek personal injury compensation, how long you have to do so, and how a solicitor could help.

To reach us, simply:

  • Contact us online through our form
  • Give us a call on 0333 000 0729
  • Open the live chat pop-up at the bottom of the page.

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We hope our automatic door injury claims has helped you. Nevertheless, if you have questions, please reach out to our team of advisors today.

Written by EM

Edited by MMI